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Image Comments posted by almagnus



    C'est un bon debut Sophie! Je serai un peu plus selectif dans la qualite de ce que tu mets en ligne. C'est mieux que les gens ne retiennent que quelques tres bonnes images plutot qu'un ensemble inhomogene.

    Bonne continuation, AM.

  1. For your information, the girl on the deck is original, not the boy. The shadow is original. Looking on the net, you can't see that the sea is 400 meters below, so the moon doesn't reflect on it in a visible manner for this pic.

    My comments are : the scene is too centralized i.e.the interesting bits are too close, but having the children pose on the deck, I couldn't do otherwise. A stronger link between the fore scene and the moon is needed, alhough present, it is not visible clearly on the net (the print is obviously better). I really don't think the objections made previously are an issue, but I still played the game! Thaks anyway!, AM.

  2. For anyone who has seriously tried inserting elements on a background, the use of shadows is the most important factor. It give the relief necessary for (by definition) flat photographs. Consequently, there is necessarily a decision to be made about the direction of light. With this pic, all the ambiguity comes from this decision : is it a real landscape... or a studio set-up? Yours, AM.


    Thanks for the comment Dave, I would agree with you if the tail were on side of the straight sunlight, like the pier on the right,but not in the straight sunlight. In fact, the tail repalces a buoy, and on the original pic, the reflection is just as strong.

    Against the sky

    very nice atmosphere again... its your "speciality". I would suggest cropping slightly the bottom... but not really necessary. Still a pity fot the enormous name tag which literally denaturates the pic. Great stuff... keep up!
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