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Posts posted by mbranciforte

  1. Thank you all so much for your responses. They are all very much appreciated and I have made up my mind. I actually have purchased the SanDisk 8GB Extreme III on Buy.com partnered with Adorama. If you buy it on buy.com through the new Google checkout, they give you a $10 credit. So, I ended up picking it up for $107 with shipping.


    Thank you all again, I'm really looking forward to replacing my current 2 GB Lexar Professional 133x with this new one and using the Lexar as my auxillary.


    Next step is gonna be investing in a new lens :)


    Cheers to all,



  2. Hello all,


    I have a Nikon D200 and want to upgrade to the best possible memory card. I

    would like to know what the maximum speed and storage limits are for the

    D200. Right now I'm looking at either a Sandisk 8GB Extreme IV or III or

    perhaps getting up into the 16GB range.


    Does anyone know what speeds and storage capacity the D200 will handle?


    Thank you so much for your help.



  3. Hi everyone!


    I wanted to know if someone could help recommend to me the best way to adjust

    the settings on my D200 so that I completely maximize photo quality. I don't

    quite understand the advantages of RAW and NEF formats yet and just want to

    make sure that when I'm taking photos, I'm using the absolute best settings to

    maximize image quality.


    Thank you very much for your help and understanding!


    All my best regards,



  4. Hi everyone,


    After much great assistance from you all regarding my dilemma of

    whether or not to purchase a Nikon D2x, I have run into another big

    question. Right now, I use a Nikon N90s with 3 lenses: Nikon 50mm

    1.4, Nikon 105mm micro 2.8, Nikon 28-200mm.


    If I was to purchase the D2x, would all of these lenses be usable

    and if they are, will there be any reduced functionality? Does the

    D2x accept different types of lenses and how do they differ?


    Thank you all so much again for your help.


    Best regards,



  5. Hi everyone,


    I am really really playing with the idea of purchasing a new Nikon

    D2x, but I can't seem to make up my mind. The camera looks so

    amazing and I want it so badly but I wanted to hear some reviews and

    suggestions that anyone has regarding the camera and whether or not

    its worth the huge price tag.


    Thank you for your help,


  6. Hi everyone,


    I was very interested to try shooting on infrared film, but I have

    no experience and don't know where to begin.


    I was wondering if someone could explain to me a good film to try

    and how to go out using it along with some tips for shooting.


    Greatly looking forward to your help.


    Thank you very much,



  7. Hi everyone,


    I know the Canon A70 and the SD400 are by no means professional or

    for that matter good cameras for photography. However, when I

    bought the A70, it had all sorts of features that let me "play

    around" with settings such as determining shutter speed and

    aperature. I could set the shutter speed as slow as 15 seconds,

    which really came in handy for experimenting.


    Then, when I got the SD400 to replace the 2.0 megapixels with 5.0

    megapixels, I didnt pay attention to see if these features were also

    available on the SD400. I have not found any way that I can

    manipulate the shutter speed, aperature or focus manually on the

    SD400 and wanted to see if anyone knew how to do so.


    Thank you very much for your help,



  8. Hello everyone,


    I currently am using a Rokkor 50mm 1.7 lens on my Minolta SRT-101.

    This is a great lens, but recently I've been noticing a little

    fuzziness. When I remove the lens from the camera and look into the

    glass, I can see a few black specs in the glass. I dont know if

    this is the cause of the fuzziness.


    Is there something I can about this problem? Would a cleaning of

    the lens help? How much do you think that would cost?


    Thank you for all of your help. I really appreciate it.



  9. Thank you everyone for all of your helpful input. I really love the Minolta and the Rokkor lens a lot. It's just that a lot of the traveling I've been doing recently has been calling for a quicker AF and AE camera. When I have time to stop and compose my shots better, I will start using the Minolta a lot more...no question.


    I'm glad to hear that there are people out there that still use this camera and hold on to traditional photography in an age of digital. Film rules!


    Thanks everyone!


    Best regards,


  10. Thank you all so much for the great input. I feel a better now knowing some of my choices and will make some sort of decision soon.


    Thank you all again and I look forward to hearing anything more you have to add.


    Cheers and best regards,



  11. Hi everyone,


    I have a question...I have an old 1963 Minolta SRT 101 and a Nikon

    N90s. I really cannot decide which to use when. I really love the

    old Minolta, but I really don't know how good the optics on it are

    compared to the Nikon. For the Minolta, I am using a Rokkor 50mm



    Does anyone have any thoughts about the Minolta vs. the Nikon. The

    Nikon is a lot easier to use obviously, but I would be willing to

    use the Minolta a lot more if I knew there was some advantage to

    doing so. Now, its being used more as an antique and less as a

    camera. What do you think...?


    Thanks so much for all of your help.


    All the best and cheers!



  12. Thank you everyone!


    You have all been very kind and most helpful. I really can't wait for this lens to arrive, I'm really excited and anxious to use it. I appreciate everyone's time and effort in replying to my post. I hope you all continue all the great work you do and I look forward to seeing more great photos from all of you.





  13. Hi everyone,


    I have been wanting to start using a tripod and remote shutter

    release for my N90s so I can make my macro shots crisper. I am not

    familiar with the different shutter release controllers on the

    market now and remember them being rather expensive.


    Could someone please give me an idea of some good remotes and/or

    controllers (I prefer for them not to be wireless) that I might try.


    Thank you for all your help and best regards,



  14. Hi everyone,


    I have just recently purchased the Nikon 50mm 1.4D AF lens from

    B&H. I am really looking forward to using this lens and utilizing

    it's speed.


    I wanted to know who else has this lens and what they think about

    it. Are there any cool techniques that you use with this lens?


    Does anyone recommend any filters or accessories for it?


    Thank you and best regards,


  15. Thank you everyone for your responses. Yes, I do use the lens in AF most of them time but because of the noise reason and also for more control I have begun using it a lot more in Manual.


    Roger - do you know, is there a way I can take some pre-emptive action and lubricate the lens before it ends up costing me as much as yours did?


    Alex - How is the 17-55mm Nikkor? I am thinking about getting that lens for myself. How much did you spend on it if I may ask, and whwere did you get it from?


    Thanks again everyone!



  16. Wow! Thank you all so much. I rather underestimated photo.net in a way in that I didn't quite expect this many great and helpful answers to my question in just one day.


    I am really excited to get started and so now I have to go out and get my supplies I suppose. I have a bedroom in the house that only has one window and isn't used much anymore. I'm thinking of converting that into my darkroom. I have running water in there because there is an attached bathroom. The only problem with that room that I can forsee is that there is carpet, does anyone see this as a real inhibitor, and what should I do if so?


    Thank you all again, you have been a real help and I hope you can check my photos soon and see some actually developed by me personally.





  17. I am really curious about creating a home lab and darkroom in my

    home. I don't have much experience with processing or darkrooms and

    so I was really curious to know the feasability of creating one in

    the home and what I will need as well as costs involved.


    What equipment is required? What materials are needed?

    How much space is required and what properties should the room have?

    How do I find all of the equipment and how do I know what materials

    are the best value for me?


    I know these are a lot of questions, but I am very interesting in

    setting up a home studio to be able to develop my own black and

    white photography and I really don't know where to begin or what to



    Thank you so much for any and all help you can give me.



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