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Image Comments posted by dankapsner

  1. Jack, This is another oddball in the series.  The way space is represented interests me; I particularly like the back and forth my eyes do, jumping back to the car in the garage and up to houses, bush, and hose.  There is something curious about the driveway, too, with the two strips of concrete (perhaps this is just zoning to create more drainage surface).  The photo is a more complicated puzzle and it satisfies.  Dan

  2. Your comment about the open space vs. the sometimes claustrophobic feeling in Osaka struck me.  Perhaps there is a looseness in some of the photos that reflects a looseness in the society here (loose as in less constrained), combined with more open space.  Got me thinking...dangerous thing to do....


  3. Jack,

    I have noticed a tendency in some of my photographs to suggest narratives, so I think you're on the money with that.  I also steal titles on occasion, as in this one, which I nicked from Jules Dassin's film.  Although I limit my word and photo combinations, the idea of combining them is intriguing (Carlos H. did some interesting things last year) and I was often interested in the work of Duane Michaels, who wrote on photographs.  Cindy Sherman is another photographer who seems to have a suggested narrative in her work; sometimes I like he work and sometimes I'm a little annoyed by it (possibly I'm just jealous, or perhaps seeing her in all of it strikes me as narcissistic--I honestly don't know; I don't know why it couldn't be both).  I know that if I had to choose between the image and the word I would have to take the word.  In a heartbeat.  No contest.  But I've made photos on and off for nearly forty years.  Maybe I'm just burned out. Best, Dan



    Jack, As always, you are a perceptive fellow.  When it's for me I really don't worry about a shot, I just shoot.  This was the last frame on a roll of film I'd had in the camera since 2009.  I seem to like film quite well; perhaps it's a sentimental attachment.  I've been a photographer for 40 years now and I admit some of the passion is gone, drained off by my first love, writing fiction, but when my finger itches I must obey. Best, Dan


  4. Thanks, Jack.  Of the ones I posted yesterday this was my favorite, and the credit goes to Fuji color negative film, Moon Photo in Seattle for developing and scanning it, an old Canon SLR with a normal lens, and Zia, my driver and accomplice, who is so patient with me.  Sometimes things line up just right.  I  got one shot and it was a lucky one, but luck favors those with itchy trigger fingers. Dan

  5. Jack, I am enchanted by your Ingleside Terrace photographs, except for this one, which I like, but it isn't so much enchanting as it is spooky.  It has a secret watcher feeling, partly from the point of view,which is more distant and has a hidden quality, and also from the coolness of the color.  The longer I look at it the more I like it.  Dan


  6. Again and again I am attracted to little scenes rather than big ones.  The weather has been sloppy wet and I have been busy, but I hope to be shooting again as it clears a little.  Also will be posting some older film work I recently had developed and scanned.  Losing film (sometimes for years) appears to be a bad habit of mine.  




    Thanks for noticing this one, Jack.  It does seem to have a way of speaking for itself.  That was one of the things I liked about some of Edward Weston's photographs (not that I'm comparing myself to him).  I believe his expression was "The thing itself."  




    This has a mysterious geometry that captures my attention and keeps it.  There is a confusion of planes and space that puzzles me, and once it becomes clear through study, I seem to be thrown right back into the puzzle.  


    Test of Cat


    Thanks, Jack!  I finally made good on my promise to buy a little digital camera to carry with me, and I had a stash of film developed and scanned, so I hope I will be a little more active here.  Still a writer first--some mornings I simply can't stay in bed any longer because I need to be at the keyboard--but I feel the pull of photography, too.  Dan

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