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Image Comments posted by dankapsner


    The distraction for me is the blown-out highlights in her left bicep and forearm...the white area grabs my attention far more than the armpit, which doesn't particularly bother me.

    Mr. Cab Driver

    It seemed confusing at first, but it settled down for me. I love the contrast between the OOF foreground and the face. The composition is perfect. The tones are sublime.

    Leest 2004

    Woof, indeed! The dog is really packed into the frame--is this full frame or cropped? I'd like a little more breathing room if possible, but it does have a wonderful energy to it. I love the vitality of your work.
  1. When I first saw the shot I thought, "What's the big deal?" But upon looking at it more closely the expression--what appears to be a faint and "dreamy" smile--is intriguing, and it all falls into place for me. A lovely photograph. (Perhaps if the milk and other light items in the upper left were burned in a bit that would help direct attention to the face, but that's just a minor point--it stands up well.)
  2. Consider burning in the lower right hand corner and the light area toward the top right edge; the lightness draws my eye away from the center. The relative lightness of the lower right corner also draws my eye away. This photo is worth the additional work.
  3. The tight square crop and the intensity of the small gesture with his right hand leave me breathless. I want to know more about the man. It seems as if I can feel his yearning....
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