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Image Comments posted by stefanovandelli

  1. I don't think there is much going wrong in this photo at all. The amount of DOF is critical here and in this case it might be just a little too shallow. A slightly larger DOF would have added depth by providing better detailed horizon details. I don't know whether it would have made for a more pleasing image. Difficult to tell without comparing the two. Congratulations.


    ...e si sono fermati? Non ho mai sentito di un fotografo giornalistico che fa posare le masse durante l'azione.... A parte questo, bel portfolio, mi ricorda la mia Bologna, il bello e il brutto (adesso vivo a Londra). Ciao, Stefano



    I presume you have been painting with light, whatever your technique the result is outstanding. I particularly like the blue sparkle in the eye. Congratulations. Cheers,


  2. I love it. Well done for deeing the potential. One single recognisable object in the frame would have given a sense of dimension, which in my opinion is needed. BTW, the rough grain and jagged edges make me think that this is a small crop from a much larger image. Is this correct? Regards,



    This is the picture of Edith that I like best as her personality seems to shine through. I like the way you captured the moment while she was lifting her left eyebrow. I am curious about the fabric-like texture. How did you do that? Is it the type of paper? Cheers, Stefano
  3. I agree with you on the clouds. The subject appear tilted to the left (it might be natually tilted) and I find that distracting. The superb composition makes for a great picture all the same. Cheers, SV
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