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tom l

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Image Comments posted by tom l


    Nice exposure. How close were you to the subject? I wonder if a greater distance and zoomed in would give a more flattering perspective. Tom



    If you are using a polycontrast paper, then pick a higher contrast filter. Otherwise, try a paper that has a higher contrast.


    Exposoure/Development time can also have an impact. Make sure it is fully developed to let all the blacks get fully black. If you do that and the image is too dark, try a shorter exposure time.


    You can do the same (and more) digitally once you scan the image into your PC.



    Dried Leaves

    Thanks for the nice comments. As far as how this was done, I wish I could take credit for whomeever wrote the KPT filter that provides fractal manipulations like this, but I can't. I had the two leaves on a white piece of paper and then experimented with the various options this KPT filter. Tom


    I like the composition but there is something about the contrast I do not. Sky is almost same as tree in some places - would like to see it stand out from the background more.
  1. Thanks, Pat. I have put a brief comment in the tech details box. Funny that I never gave a thought that people would not think it started as a photo even though I was trying to give it a pseudo water color painting effect. Tom


    Thanks Jonathan & Steve for the comments. This was a new experiment for me using one of the KPT plug-ins. Wasn't sure how it was going to come out. Glad you liked it. Thanks, Tom.
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