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tom l

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Image Comments posted by tom l


    Lovely image. Can't say enough about the wonderful light and exposure of the model. However, I'd also like to see this cropped vertical so that the door on right is cropped out and on the left trim most of the black wall away. This would leave me up close and concentrating on just the window and the model.
  1. Nice work G. I like the use of lighting here except the for the streaks in the background. I like a little light in the background to make a glow around the flowers but find the streaks distract me from the subject you have lit so well. I have been experiementing in this technique a little but have not found the control you have in lighting what I want without having light leak into areas want kept dark.


    I have been using only a small pen light flashlight and would love to know where one can get the tungsten torch you mentioned.

  2. Still experimenting with painting with light. This time on a much

    bigger scale. I bought a deer-spotting light from Wal-Mart and

    tried painting a scene outside at night. Too me, the light is a

    little flat which is probably because I stayed in one spot and just

    directed the light at different angles. I think I need to actually

    move the light's point of origin during the exposure.


    Any comments/critiques are welcomed. Thanks, Tom.



    Abdullah, Michael & OUJ - thank you.


    Edward, yes, I used a flashlight. It was a pen-sized MagLite. The exposure was 30 seconds which was more than enough time. I actually partially covered the flash light with my hand to cut back on the light and to have more control of where and how much light hit the subject. I started at the face and moved my way around the scene.


    I have been admiring J�rg Gr�ndler's works (http://www.photo.net/photodb/member-photos?include=all&photo_id=1582163) for a long time. His site provides some fantastic "painted with light" images.

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