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Image Comments posted by jon_fernquest

    Urban Legends


    Love the overall geometry as well subtle tones of grey that come better in large size and would surely be even more striking in a quality print.


    Like the way you've teasing, tantalizing (revealing just enough but not all?) way you've cropped the woman and the advertising copy beneath her.

  1. Love the strong vertical lines in the composition and the idea, kind of an addtional layer written over an advertisement, sort of commenting on it, by people in the street.



    I like the different contrasts, the contrast between the mute whites of the tanks behind and the black fence and light poles as well as the contrast between the curves of the tanks and the light posts and all the vertical lines and expecially the spikes on the fence.


    I love it the way it is. I wonder what you used to get the soft focus effect?

  2. There is so much striking originality in this folder that it was bound to get low ratings by the cultural Phillistines at Photo.Net. I lived in Myanmar for years and felt a real sense of nostalgia when I looked at your photos. They're much more than cheap travel photography smiles that sell.


    The 27 4's on one of your photos means what? 27 peanut sized brains. Please post your photos somewhere else and place a link to them at Photo.Net. I just get angry and distracted when I see all those idiotic ratings.




    There's something distinctly different about this one that sort of breaks the monotony, a danger with repetitive series like this I think. Maybe it's the large dominant field of yellow. I particularly like the different tones of yellow given by the peeled paint. As usual the little intrusion, this time on the lower left is nice....I wanted to say "cute" but...

    Carmel Wine

    I love the muted tones in your shots of food like the green olives in the dish. The light through the wine glass certainly makes a focus fo ran effective composition. These food photos make me extremely hungry!
  3. Cool composition. I like the shades of monotone white. I think shots liek this are beautiful and essential. Essential because they work over with a microscope, small digital camera lens, the world we live in, uncovering beauty.Thanks. Just ignore the people who can't see the beauty in it.I worked over the window pane in the bus I was riding in recently (here)trying to capture the monotone colors, the film the water drops left, and the way the light reflected off of it.


    Love the strands of hair come out of the cropping on the upper left. The muted colors and pose, all wonderful. The only thing I don't much like is the underlying art paper-like texture

    fish number 25


    Maybe photographs of found street art aren't original in some sense, but love to see them.


    The chalk on dark blue slate with the "25" etched in light blue is beautiful! Maybe framing more to the left and giving the fish's mouth more room would have worked better.


    I found a similar child's drawing like this last week on the pale wood door of my aunt's house on the Mekong river near Chiangsaen, Thailand. I framed it several different ways. Took several different exposures. Still haven't decided which I like best.



    > Photos like this you can make thousands
    > of them, so to me it doesnt look original at al.

    I guess the same criticism could be leveledat the famous artist Josef Albers.

    Maybe you should include a link to a folder or presentation with all the photographs in the series when you postnew photos to the critique forum. Maybe peoplewould be better able to understand them as a whole.They are deceptively simple. Here simplicity in composition seems to me more of a virtue thanan "anyone can do it" fault.

    Found compositions in everyday modern working environments emphasizing simple geometry and a consistent color schemeGrey seems to be the base color.Original art, relevant to everyday life.

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