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Image Comments posted by jame_cohn

    Cool Water

    I really like the calmness of this photo. The colors a nice. but there seems to be to much in the shot to me.. I would enjoy this more with out that over sized branch.


    I love the water landing on the rocks. I would love to see more photos of this. I also have had the pleasure of shooting a waterfall.. let me know what you think.

    Carmel Sunset -3

    I am in love with this sunset.. the colors are wonderful and the water adds a great dynamic. To top it of the placement of the couple and the child playing is great.

    Let Me Go!

    I'm sure you had your camera going a mile a minute on this. and yes I agree with the above this bird doesn't seem that it should be alive at this day in age.


    after looking at your comment I see what you mean.. Although I like having something in my photo more then just the sunset.. I found this log a nice subject.. unfortunately there wasn't a bird perched there. This being my first sunset.. please give me more comments..

    Golf Time

    Please let me know what you think.. I have been taking photos ever since I was young and I have always enjoyed the simplicity of it being able to pick up my camera after see a good composure since then I have strived to improve. so please help me with my learning process. This was taking on top of a garbage heap turned park.. It over looked this very beautiful location.
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