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Image Comments posted by jame_cohn

  1. actually I'm one of those "trying to make it in this crazy business" women too -- although I have my day job still. Right now I'm looking to learn and travel. But making some money from it doesn't sound bad. -- cause this day job pays shit


    R - G - B

    wonderful execution.. this is definitely something I would put on my wall.. of course I would have loved to be the person that shot it though. Great Job!

    Tu Lips


    You guys make me laugh.. as long as you both like them :) actually -- why is that you like this photo more then any others ? I wouldn't say this is my favorite.. I do like it a lot though.






    Ken -- In Fact, I do have a sister :)


    Vince -- Seeing that you get a nice trip and gift out of this pnet thing huh.. work it :)

    But I would think you would have lots of money selling your stuff.. Surely you wouldn't need a sugar daddy... least of all mine :)





    thats the best part.. vince must understand a lot about women.. more then he lets his wife on to (i guess) :) But cliff, it would seem to me that Vince would benefit from this too.




    well I do believe that cliff and I would love a boat ride in hawaii that would be nice... sure all he would have to do is cash in one of his million dollar bonds.. to treat a lady and pnet friends for a trip to Hawaii and bonuses..



    yes vince.. very much a female.. thanks..why was cliff giving out different signals ? lol :)


    cliff-- well I do believe that would be a nice plan.. I know there are some wonderful places to walk downtown..

    dinner and drinks, maybe we could even do tapioca ball tea...





    well this must be a first for Pnet -- Love by photos... I would love to accompany you Wednesday -- maybe we could meet very close to this location.. so you could give it another go.. say about 7:30 :) no no.. how about 5 and by the time you find parking it should be 7:30 :)




    wonderful.. reminds me of my neighborhood.. and this weekend -- the moon and the clouds the lights of the surrounding buildings work very well.. I agree with the other comments about the car lights...I think maybe trying the shot without the cars or just one car.. or many more cars.. maybe change things up.




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