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Image Comments posted by jame_cohn

  1. This has to be my favorite photo of yours yet.. although as Robert Byrd stated I would like to see the birds eye. I think that would be something to try at least, in Photoshop. I love the angle and the colors.
  2. is this an underwater camera ? It seems that there is more of a flash upper left.. it would have been interesting to seen this with different lighting or with some background.. but I must say that you captured a great moment, I like that the fish are forming a larger fish

    May Sunset


    Thanks for your detailed comments and yes they are constructive.. Let me explain about my camera situation. I have been using my digital camera to take these sunset shots thus giving me different things to work with.. I don't have any filters for the camera and of course there is no film. The camera I was using was borrowed for this night, and I wasn't too familiar with the options. I fiddled with the aperture priority mode, sharpness adjustment, exposure adjustment, and its white balance options and came out with this.. and to tell you the truth I don't remember the settings they were at for this shot. Would you know which settings would be best for a digital camera ?


    I do own a wonderful Canon Rebel and would like to shoot more with it again .. but the digital is so much more alluring with its quick and easy viewing options.. and much cheaper in the long run. Although I know that my Rebel would be able to give me many more options to take a better shot.. I hate not being able to see what comes out right away.. then to get them a day later and not be happy with the light. So I'm suck.. what do you suggest ?


    Lastly... Composition is very important for me since it is something that I have complete control over. I would like to think that I have a good eye.. yet I am always learning and appreciate your comments on this. I see what you are saying about the rule of 3rds - although I like the full tree in the shot... and I'm not sure if I would be able to have moved much closer and maintain the full tree.. (now you have me thinking about editing more of the top of the sky out)

    Thanks for all your comment please keep them coming.


    May Sunset

    thanks for your comments.. please keep them coming, its nice to find out others opinions.. I can show my friends all I like, but they are way to nice.. I need constructive comments, the more the merrier.
  3. I appreciate this photo.. and the comment that you had made about the hours spend in college working in the darkroom.. I love photoshop !!.. I think this photo is a wonderful rendering.


    Thank you for your comments.. it really helps to know what people think.. I would love for you to take a look at my new sunset.. and let me know what you think.
  4. This grabbed my attention.. I love this photo... the only thing I could say besides agreeing on the frame.. is I would like for a little more room on the top to give some more balance.


    blue mum

    I've been admiring the frames of all your photos in this folder.. and I stopped to comment on this one because I think the frame and the flower work beautifully together.. I have been playing with frames myself although this is a photo site.. I myself like to add some mystery to some of my photos with photoshop.. framing is one aspect I've been trying to enhance.
  5. I really like the feeling in this shot.. I think the lighting is perfect and the timing of the clouds and the moon work. I kinda agree about the building on the left -- it seems as if you could cut that out - it wouldn't hurt this beautiful shot.


    You captured a great moment, I like the idea that Mahrashk Meidani had you could play around on Photoshop.. by highlighting the violin and making a new layer.. then make the background b&w thus leaving the voilin it orginial color.

    Hanauma Bay


    I usually love people in a shot.... but I also, as you had said, like the photo without the people more then expected. It would be hard to expect this place with out a ton of people but I always like the shots where you see just a couple of people giving it the allusion that its a secluded part of the island that only these lucky people and us as the viewer get to see...


    I like this photo more then the one taken a year ago... the colors and the sky are popping beautifully in this one.

  6. you should contact your local travel agency.. these photo's not only sell for their beauty but for there quality. Great job. Cause of you, I am planning on finding these areas soon..
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