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fabio b

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Image Comments posted by fabio b



    yeah - this is obviously backlited, so maybe venus is too much, but knows her better than us, so maybe he's right


    i dont feel this so dramatic, but anyway it is a strong pic. nice work anyway.


    if someone is disturbed by the tilted horizon, we have a simple solution: tilt your monitor, to keep horizon straight

  1. when i begun to prepare to take a pic this guy looked very hard at me, so i asked him a permission to shot - this is why. if someone plans going to italy, this is a really nice place to have lunch.
  2. very impressive shot. it needs to have been a really magic sunset to deliver so cast colours: so we all envy you, maria, for being there, and wise to capture the moment.


    being prosaic, can you help me someway to choose a scanner?

  3. two rolls, one nice (for my low standard) pic.


    cant remember what film was, but i'll post it tomorrow. i'm no more posting pics, until i'll become able to scan properly: maybe it will take a lot.


    by the way, the dog is dead last month: he was unable to stand up, because displasia.


    nice from u to write and let me say i like your work so much.

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