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Image Comments posted by mark_newton1

    Crazy Drought


    Thanks for all the positive comments, much appreciated.


    It was quite overcast on this day, and in fact a large electrical storm was looming all around, but not a drop of rain at this location.


    More light would have made this a brighter and more colourful image. I took other shots of the dam where this cracking was taking place the next day when the sun was out. I didnt take that many closeups like this one, but moreso more 3D shots with greater depth. It amazes me how many people seem to go for this 2D version.

    It took me a long time to compose this shot, as I had to try to find the right degree of continuity and balance with the cracks. As you can see in the lower right hand corner it starts to become chaotic which is what I was trying to avoid. But I also wanted the right degree of reach of the upper cracks into the top part of the frame, so it came down to a compromise.


    I havent tried it in B/W, it mght be better, but I think colour is good for the dried mud colour.


    Thanks again...



    Hills road


    Thanks John


    I think the Pentax is excellent. I recently sold off my wide angle 3.5 55mm as it was the old version with the huge filter size. I am in the process of acquiring the newer version 55mm right now. I use a simple handheld Gossen lunasix 3 light meter at present.

    I have spent many years shooting 35mm slides and selling shots to mag's, books, calendars etc via 2 image libraries. I now have the urge to concentrate on producing higher quality prints in black and white mainly and toned too of course.


    I love your images, really excellent.


    Yes I agree the foreground bushes are a bit much. I could hold them back in printing, but they will always remain a visual barrier. At the time of shooting I liked them, but in the print I'm not so sure.


    I took this shot from the road, think I'll go and see the property owners and see if I can get some better angles.


    Thanks for your comments..appreciated.

  1. This is the first time I have photographed a headstone and I must say I wasnt too sure what to include or not include with respect to names. I see what you mean John,and I think I'll go back and include more of the front headstone. The headstone is actually all one, but its broken into three pieces, as it was rather large and pretty thin.


    As far as the contrast goes, I was amazed to see this much contrast as we had 100% overcast conditions and it was pretty late in the day. I waasnt expecting this much contrast. I printed this without any filters, I try to avoid filters.


    The contrast is caused by variation in reflectance, not shadow etc. The dark areas are quite darkly stained, whereas the washed areas are very pale white stone. The print hasnt got quite this much burn out in the light areas as the scan shows.


    Thanks for the comments.

  2. I really think this image needs to be big to be fully appreciated. Some images work just fine on monitors, whereas others such as this one with a lot of complex textures and detail simply have to be big to be judged thoroughly. I think it looks excellent small, and can just imagine it on a wall, it would be AWESOME!


    Excellent job!

  3. I like this one. I know absolutely squat about pinhole cameras, but assume they dont have DX coding :-).


    You say f245, how is that worked out? I would have liked to see a little more DOF, seeing that the eye leads so strongly into the background. I like the overall effect you have here, and the subject is great.

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