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Image Comments posted by daviddbfotoart

    Soft Grudge

    Lighting that eminates from a larger area, ie a large opaque white sheet infront of the light source softening the edges of the shadows. Thats the only thing i had an issue with, the hard shadow edges on what is a beautifully soft image.

    Pania 2

    Thanks Haleh, I didn't really notice the faucet. Looking at it makes me believe that the image may be improved by removing it. May even get rid off the edge of the bath.
  1. No Haleh, you still dont get it.


    The idea of this forum is to give a critical analysis on what I feel about a photograph and what I would do to improve what I percieve as faults. What you can do with this advice is ignore it or take it on. Please ignore what I have said in the true spirit of this forum if it doesn't make you happy. I find the majority of your work superb and you could publish a book for my coffee table, and you wouldn't ask for my opinion!


    I trully dont understand why you feel you need to be inflammatory.


    PS, this shot was taken many years ago, with a 40 year old camera, with vaseline on the lens...not diffused lighting. I stupidly put the vaseline directly on the lens and not on a filter, and spent the next 2 weeks trying to get the shit off.

    Soft Grudge


    This is all good points, but calibrating my monitor wont get rid of the cushion leaning up against the painting, nor the hard shadows created by the strobes, nor my thoughts about the dof. Your professionally calibrated monitor (and mine gets done regularly) can only fix colour and exposure issues with your printer, non of which I commented on. Our photos are like chalk and cheese, I have rarely done any studio work, prefering to use only natural daylight in location settings. I am the biggest critic of my own work, and was merely passing on what I would feel if this was mine. I think the diffused lighting you've used on "Cross my heart" in "Aelah's" folder would be more to my liking for this shot.


    I offer thoughtful advice on photos that I really like, and I try to do it in the least inflammatory way, as I know some people can instantly get their back up the moment something slightly negative is said.


    Please, if you choose to scan my folio looking for defects, comment on them, dont use them to defend your point of view.

    Wedding Party

    Its a well used idea for weddings and such due to the classic nature of most bridal cars, and it's certainly one to perfect. Clean the mirror, try as hard as you can to keep out of the shot, and crop it much tighter. You really dont need to add too much of the car, its the abstractness of the shot thats the main feature.

    Soft Grudge


    I certainly cant deny that this is a beautiful photo.......if only. Diffuse those horribly sharp and intense lights, and get rid of the cushion in the rear. Dont like the shadows under her eyelashes, nor the spot lighting you've got in the bottom left. Diffuse all of this, drop the exposure and the focus off the painting and it'd be a masterpiece. As it stands it a shot of a painting with a nude infront.


    I mean no offence here Haleh, just pointing out what, IMHO, I deem as faults.


    I think its just over exposed, and poorly thought out photo. Stick a white dress in the sun and expose for a head in the shade, even film will shit itself! This is why god created big diffusers! Get one, grab a groomsmen, send him outside, and start again.

    fence #11

    Beautiful photo. I'd spend a bit of time, taking out the people in the distance and the lines in the far background. They distract from a wonderfully flowing image.

    Jules 1

    Thank you Tore. That looks awesome. Please....give me a tip on this soft blend mode thing. The more I seem to know about photoshop, the more I am reminded just how little I really know.
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