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Andrew in Austin

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Everything posted by Andrew in Austin

  1. <p>Many thanks - I've already printed a couple of the articles and will read them at my leisure.</p>
  2. <p>Brad that wide angle shot is awesome - a I wish I was there moment.</p> <p>For you folks down south in Kiwi-land and Australia, it's the beginning of the Spring festival season in this part of the US. Bring an appropriate lens - due to the crowds it's difficult to get close, unless there is a Jumbotron.</p> <p><a title="BR_Dr_J1 by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7604/16472747003_cbabf23a21_o.jpg" alt="BR_Dr_J1" width="900" height="599" /></a><strong>Skilled hands with a Baldwin Piano</strong></p> <p>All three were taken with a Jupiter 8 mounted to a Bessa R - Kodak 400UC<br /> <a title="BR_Dr_J2 by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7619/16472758833_4a303df82d_o.jpg" alt="BR_Dr_J2" width="594" height="900" /></a><br /> <strong>Second image on the Jumbotron</strong></p> <p>Last but not least, this is as close as I got with the 50mm f/2 Jupiter 8<br /> <a title="BR_Dr_J4 by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7633/16894090587_6ec9d6c3fd_o.jpg" alt="BR_Dr_J4" width="900" height="593" /></a><br /> <strong>Malcolm John "Mac" Rebennack better known as ......</strong><br /> The above photos were taken in 2007. I found the negatives only last week in between a couple of prints.</p>
  3. <p>A switch in camera and modes of transport. The camera is an Olympus 35RC - with Ilford XP2.</p> <p><a title="35RC_Honda_Scrambler by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8801/17027072486_d2ccd46c18_o.jpg" alt="35RC_Honda_Scrambler" width="587" height="900" /></a></p> <p><strong>Private Transport - A Honda Scrambler</strong></p>
  4. <p>Another image from the Rollei 35S.</p> <p><a title="35S_Bus_IF2 by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7587/16854955129_00da96b48b_b.jpg" alt="35S_Bus_IF2" width="900" height="600" /></a></p> <center> <p><strong>"Almost home"</strong></p> </center>
  5. <p>One more from the Rollei 35 S<br /> <br /> <a title="35S_Reflections by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7598/16807225387_961e1ba552_o.jpg" alt="35S_Reflections" width="800" height="531" /></a><br /> <strong>Reflections / Turtle Pond</strong></p>
  6. <p>I'll start this Classic Manual Friday with a couple from my Rollei 35 S loaded with XP2 Super.</p> <p><strong>Saving Souls at a Busy Crosswalk</strong></p> <p><a title="35S_SaveSouls1 by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7595/16807262817_67bf0702c7_o.jpg" alt="35S_SaveSouls1" width="506" height="800" /></a></p> <p><strong>"Tulips"</strong><br> <a title="35S_Tulips2 by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8688/16807237227_14e4d11754_o.jpg" alt="35S_Tulips2" width="540" height="800" /></a></p> <p>Happy Passover and Easter, Everyone</p>
  7. <p>An enjoyable tour of a heritage sight with the Exakta VX, I'm sure. The prominence of the bull to the central complex is pure India. <br> May it last another millennium. </p>
  8. <p>Ten years ago I bought a <em>Bessar R</em> relatively cheap to serve as temporary replacement for a Leica that was in the shop. I still have it and use it.</p> <p>It's blend of modern construction and classic, all manual, mechanical ergonomics.</p> <p>By modern, I mean the build-quality is equal to that of some of the late 1970's era, fixed-lens rangefinder cameras with a metal chassis - but with a much improved RF/VF and of course, the LTM lens mount. The paint/outer coating of the plastic top-cover on mine is now showing rub marks from use, after only a couple dozen rolls of film.</p> <p>The modern light meter is through the lens and the all metal Copal, double blind shutter is similar to an SLR from the 1980's. All in all, the <em>Bessa R</em> is a very nice budget platform for using classic LTM lenses.</p>
  9. <p>Rohan - I've never worked on one of these puppies before - but if the camera was screwed together by humans in a factory, then it can be taken apart by humans - using jeweler's screw drivers, which have tiny blades.</p> <p>You may or may not first need to remove the focus ring. Then there are two screws that fasten the front fascia, which has the Agfa Isola name printed on it. Underneath this fascia, you'll probably see the mechanism for selecting f/6.8 and f/11. </p>
  10. <p>Did I really see a 4x5 Gowlandflex appearing in the TLR article? Whoah!</p>
  11. <p>Gregg - Some folks use a strap that attaches to the tripod mount.</p> <p>http://www.gordyscamerastraps.com/wrist-tripod/index.htm</p>
  12. <p>Pond in Summer, Water Lilies. - Roleiflex 2.8C - Velvia<br> <a title="RolFlx_Lilly by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7611/16943455652_f77279b159_o.jpg" alt="RolFlx_Lilly" width="800" height="800" /></a><br> -<br> <a title="RolFlx_Lilly2 by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8715/16943468812_01235c5d44_o.jpg" alt="RolFlx_Lilly2" width="812" height="800" /></a></p>
  13. <p>Once again, thank you very much. The article on the updating of ASA ratings is a must read. So, it the article on coated lenses, even though there is more to come in the evolution of coated lens. I really appreciate these time capsules.</p>
  14. <p>Lovely images - The format really brings out the tones of wood and old stonework. - Kudos for shooting the interior of the old church.</p>
  15. <p>The stats look fairly accurate to me. By 1975'ish, most of the herd of amateur 35mm SLR photographers were migrating towards zoom lens, - that at best had an aperture range from ~f/3.5 to f/5.6. Some lenses were slower, hence the f/6.3 figure.</p> <p>At the time, my preference on an SLR was to use a 50mm / that was faster than f/2 - because it allowed for a brighter viewfinder image - even though I would shoot at f/5.6 to f/11 @ ASA 100 or there abouts. When I wanted better enlargements from 35mm, I'd use Agfa APX 25 film - which would more often than not require a tripod when used with some of the slower zooms of the 1970's.</p>
  16. <p>Great shots of Kansans headed off to the Land of Oz. I can only imagine the shutter speeds used back then. I'm sure they were slow.</p>
  17. <p>I really like the first and third shots. Since hot air balloons are most noticed in the sky, I don't usually see them testing the burners.</p> <p>I used to live a few blocks from a large park where hot balloons would launch. It was a very eery sound coming from the sky in the quiet early morning that usually caught my attention as they passed by at low altitude. An impressive sight to behold - but never anything as impressive as Pete.</p>
  18. <p>Oops, the above photo is actually on the main drag of Silverton, CO.</p>
  19. <p>Yep, 1955 and my Ansco Super Speedex fit right in to the article on compact flash bulbs. The Nikon S2 was of interest to me, mainly because I used to shoot with a Contax and the 1:1 viewfinder would have been a nice improvement. Thanks for posting these articles.</p>
  20. <p><strong>Ouray, CO - Lunch time</strong><br> <a title="IIIG_Ouray14 by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8706/16852504586_9ee8e2acf7_o.jpg" alt="IIIG_Ouray14" width="590" height="900" /></a><br> <strong>Leica IIIg - Summicron - APX 100</strong></p>
  21. <p><strong>Molas Pass, CO</strong><br> <a title="IIIG_Molas14 by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8749/16256013224_dfe7d88b80_o.jpg" alt="IIIG_Molas14" width="899" height="564" /></a><br> <strong>Leica IIIg - Summicron - APX 100</strong></p>
  22. <p><strong>The High Desert, 7000 ft.</strong><br> <a title="IIIG_HighDesert by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8738/16671040637_6df418efb2_o.jpg" alt="IIIG_HighDesert" width="900" height="586" /></a><br> <strong>Leica IIIg - Summicron - APX100</strong></p>
  23. <p>Rick - Perfect inspiration for me to get off my duff and walk around this morning with a camera - even though I won't be bringing home anything as nice as your "Still life with a step ladder." By the way, if I haven't mentioned already, I really like that image.</p>
  24. <p>Definitely not Marylin in the Morning - Instead, just a door early in the day.<br> <a title="IIIG_Main2 by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8690/16187849883_9d8e71c834_b.jpg" alt="IIIG_Main2" width="586" height="900" /></a><br> Part of my daily walk about. - IIIg with a Canon 50/1.5 and Tri-X</p>
  25. <p>I presume that the lovely tonality in the above images was helped using Fuji Across in Pyrocat HD. Along with the smoothness of the out of focus areas, which this particular 90mm lens delivers, the images look very close to those from a medium format camera.</p> <p>The last two are especially nice compositions. The shadows in the last image really work for me.</p>
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