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Image Comments posted by kezia

  1. Gorgeous colours. I don't find this picture lacks a centre of interest - I find my eye moves quite happily around the different shapes and colours. Personally, I would crop most of the dark border of grass from the top leaving just a thin line of dry grass to suggest the far bank of the pond because for me that strong horizontal line seems at odds with the rest of the composition. I like everything else about it.
  2. Nothing wrong with using photoshop to save a precious, but imperfectly exposed photo. While you are photoshopping away, why not darken the slightly distracting, bright window area top right? In fact, I think it would be interesting to see a version where just the dog was lightened and the background left in the original, underexposed (I assume) state.

    Without a Master

    I enjoy your documentary photos most of all - especially the way in which you capture the sense of melancholy that lies beneath the surface of Greek culture.


    This looks to me like a combination of several nice photos, which were probably better than this mixture. Why not post the originals instead?


    Very successful, especially considering the crowded circumstances. I like the rather classic turn of the head of the woman in the foreground, which tells a little joke, because in fact she is doing something very modern, i.e. checking out her digital camera. Then there is the mobile phone camera, and the other photographers, all framing the picture itself. Very nice social commentary.

    A winter's evening


    I need some help getting rid of the jpeg artifacts in this posting.

    They are not in the original. If anyone knows how to avoid this, I

    would welcome the advice.

    Feeding time

    Whether you should have adjusted exposure or not depends on whether there is any detail in the whites in the original because the bee looks spot on. I can't judge that from this web-sized version: you should check the histogram. If there is any information at all in the whites then I'd say this exposure is okay - you just need a small photoshop adjustment to bring a bit of colour to the petals - if not, then, yes, you have a bit of a problem because there is so much of the white in the picture. It has a simple, pleasantly coloured out-of-focus background, and pretty good composition. One wing in focus would have been even better, but I'd be pretty happy with this as a first attempt. I believe on your camera you could adjust the ISO upwards without adding too much noise. That would allow you greater depth of field.

    End in Sight

    I really like this location and your work generally. The light and shapes here are wonderful. You ask for suggestions for alternative compositions and it occurred to me that most of the interest is in the upper half of this photo and my eye tends to move horizontally across the top half of the picture. It's hard to suggest how you would find an alternative that would encourage my eye to move through the whole picture area, but it occurs to me that this might be one occasion where tilting the camera might work, with the tunnel in the bottom right corner pointing upwards at the graffiti to give a strong diagonal from bottom right to top left.

    Exit Stair

    I don't find it too busy at all. I love the severe diagonal lines and the shadows. I agree about the frame - it's very distracting and detracts from the composition. Just the single inner black frame might work, but more than that is overkill.


    A nice idea with lovely blue background. I would have preferred to see some kind of communication between bride and groom, I think that would have given it more feeling.
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