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Posts posted by oliver_tan1

  1. With the F65, you can actually "set" your ISO by using the EV feature of the camera. For example, using a 400 ISO film, set your EV to -2, this means that you are actually shooting your film at E.I. 1600. At EV +2, it will be E.I. 100.


    Correct me if I'm wrong on the numbers.

  2. Remember there is the 24-85mm 3.5-4.5 AFS and the 24-85mm 2.8-4 lens. I have the 24-85mm 3.5-4.5 lens and it is a good investment if you DON'T shoot architecture. If you need the extra zoom, then go with the 28-105mm. It is not as sharp as the 24-85mm 3.5-4.5 but it has less distortion on both ends. Go to a store and ask if you can see both of the lenses on the N80.
  3. I must also say that IR film is grainy but it smooths or hides "wrinkles" or pores your subject may have. IR film is not only used for landscape photos but also for portraits. It is hard to use IR film because of the fast that you have to load and unload the film in total darkness. You also need to adjust for the IR focus point. Here's an example:

    <center><img src="http://www.photo.net/photodb/image-display?photo_id=1483466&size=md"></img></center>

  4. Use your exposure compensation button. But it only works on either aperture priority or shutter priority. For an ISO 400 ISO film, a -2.0 compensation is E.I. 1600. +2.0 compensation will give you E.I. 100. Can someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. Funny how some schools let you do almost exactly the same thing. My class just finished doing that project. NEW Tri X 400 pushed to 1600 developed with STRAIGHT D76 for 13 min at 68 degrees will result in some kind of foggy film but is normal. I presoaked with water for 1 min., developed for 13, stop bath for 30 secs, fixer for 5 min and washed 10 mins. It'll be grainy but you can shoot at low light so I suggest shooting a bar, nightclub, etc scene.
  6. <center><img src="http://www.photo.net/photodb/image-display?photo_id=1405688&size=md"></center> <center> field </center>

    <center><img src="http://www.photo.net/photodb/image-display?photo_id=1405693&size=md"></center>

    <center> poppy girl </center>


    Lots of people. I was there 3-23-03 and the wind was blowing but not as hard. Probably around 20-35 mph. I heard the best time to come is somewhere 2nd week of April. We had lots of rain this season which makes it more interesting. If you're shooting Velvia 50, you're probably going to be using about 1/60th to 1/90th shutter speed @ f8-13.

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