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Posts posted by john_papandreou

  1. I am using a Fuji GS645s Pro 60mm - Crash Bar- Camera.

    The camera is 1980's Made in Japan Quality and light weight, this model is all manual no AF the camera has two realy nice features :- two tripod sockets and takes standard 49mm Filters. My only complaints which are very minor is the Rangfinder is a bit dim for low light work and the takeup spool spring if not tensioned enough will cause films to roll loose causing Edge fogging.


    I paid for $350.00 for a realy clean Example, I love the camera, I am traveling to the USA on Monday from here in Sunny Austalia and it was the first camera I packed. The results the camera has given me so far are Outstanding !!!! The negs are Sharp edge to edge, B&W Prints Look stunning and are a Joy to Print, Colour images Jump Off the page.



  2. What do I use ?


    I have a Bronica ETRsi (645) and a Bronica GS-1 (6x7) in the SLR range of cameras, both these cameras ar of a high Quality and are for sale at crazy low prices You can get most of the common lenses for under $200.00 The GS-1 is the lightest 6x7 SLR camera avaliable

    and has a nice lightmeter setup where the film speed is set on the Film back :- You can also Get 6x4.5 and 6x6 backs for it alowing you to change format as well as film speed mid roll.


    I also have a Fuji GA645s 60mm (Crash Bar) camera which is light weight :-The images are Ultra Sharp the camera is fully manual and great for travel Photography and Street Photography, it takes 49mm filters they sell for $300-400


    I have used many other MF Cameras and always found that I liked using a bronica more than the others on the market Eg- Blad's lenses are too expensive and the cameras lack automation, Mamiya RB nice but Too heavy for me, Pentax Nice Lens But :- can't change Film mid roll was too much of a problem for me.


    The best thing you can do is try out various cameras :- Even rent one for a Weekend and decide what fits the work that you do, Every Major camera maker makes a good camera It comes down to what you need to do a job.


    Hope this helps

  3. Thanks Everyone for your answers, I will be in New York on Next Tuesday and Hopefully B&H will have T-Max in Stock So I can buy a few pro packs. I like Using TMX and TMY in 120 I tend to get the best overall results.


    Otherwise I will have to use Delta or HP5, at least we Still have film options for the moment.



  4. What's Going on ?


    All the camera Shops here in Adelaide Australia have NO T-Max 400 120 in Stock


    I will be in New York Next Week I checked the B&H Site All T-Max 400 and 100

    in 120 OUT OF STOCK


    Is This a World wide thing or just something to anoy me.......



  5. My first answer is a "Why" !!!


    I have looked at examples of both these cameras, I would'nt buy them They are both basic "Cheap and Nasty" Cameras.


    You can get a nice deal at the moment on a newer well made Bronica, Mamyia, or Blad.


    A good camera for Street Photography is a Fuji 645 Rangefinder a GA645s can be had for $300-400 and the lense is Very sharp the camera weighs less than a good 35mm SLR.


    If you must go "cheaper" then a Yashicamat can be had for around $100


    My advice is stay away from keiv or Great wall.



  6. We have all been there once :-


    I started with a Yashicamat LM Twin lens Paid $100.00 this camera was great but in the end I found having one Lense a bit limiting at times, I always wanted a wider lense for landscapes or a longer lense for portraits.


    At the time I was a student and that was all I had.... I made do with what I could afford and spent MY $$ on film.


    After the Yashicamat :- I needed a better lense range and backs, Bought the ETRS For $500.00 added 4 more lenses 4 backs and 3 finders ect :- great camera can do almost Anything, the used prices are amazing at the moment Bought a Extra Etrsi Body with a Like new Motor drive for $180.00 on E-pay !!!

    This is a all round work horse camera never had a single failure with a lense or a camera body, in 10 years of work :- had one Film back fail thats it ,I suspect it had problems before I bought it.


    I also Own a GS-1 and love the 6x7 neg size :- paid $1100.00 for two lenses (65mm and 150mm) 3 120 backs, Poloroid back AE Finder and a speed grip Speed grip, Operation just like the ETRsi but Film speeds are set on the back :- great for shooting multiple film types on a outing, Nice and light for a 6x7 camera B&W negs are a dream to print the detail is outstanding. The multiple format backs are a good Idea You can Shoot 6x6 or 6x4.5 as well with this camera.I just wish there were more Accesories like the ETRS cameras.


    I also own a Fuji GA645s Pro 60mm "Crash bar" Range finder that I always take on any holiday, It is nice and light and the Lense is as sharp as you could wish for. Sometimes this is all you realy need !!!


    It would be a case of Deciding on a budget and what is right for you, go to a large camera shop try a few cameras see how they feel. Do the research on the web there are some great FAQ's on MF


    I have had 3 Mamiya cameras at one time or another : didn't like them RB - too heavy. Mamiya 330 :- two clumsy for my little hands, Mayma Press :- too big to take in a back pack !!! Stay away from Russian Keiv cameras (not well made!!!) the $$$ are better spent on a nice well built camera to start with.


    Good luck



  7. Hi The camera I am using for Portraits is a Arca Swiss Type C 1980 vintage Bought at Gov Surplus Auction for next to Nothing in "like new Cond" Using the Standard 400mm rail with the following two lenses bought in Bargin Condition


    Schneider Symar 210/360 5.6/12 Convertable $300.00 Aust (Shutter needed a clean) Mainly used at 210 But I have used it at 360mm with 100mm Home made Lense Extension. The lense is Very Sharp at 210mm but a bit Soft and Hard to focus at 360mm (converted)


    Schneider Radionar 30cm Anastigmat F6.3 in a big Compound Shutter modified to Flash Sinc made in 1918 paid $200.00 Aust ( Shutter need a Clean)I am also using this with a Home made lense Extension board to Close focus at 450 mm:- For a Uncoated Lense I am getting Very good Sharp images as it was Designed to cover 8x10.


    If you don't need the portable aspect There are Alot of Very good Rail cameras going Cheaply at the moment and good lenses can be Got at a resonable price if you are willing to hunt around a bit.



  8. The first thing ::: DON'T FORCE ANYTHING !!! These cameras are good but must be treated with some care. The timer has proberly locked up the camera !!!! Very gently put a bit of pressure on the switch and it may move back and fire the shutter (If this works dont use the timer again) :- If this does not work the camera is totally locked and will be needing a full service and clean.


    The other option is to buy a less bargin one for a few more $$$ from a Camera shop that has a good range of used gear that way you can try before you buy.



  9. As a studio / Wedding Photographer, I use the following brands Ect


    I use 3 old Elichrom 23 Heads in the Studio with a New Style 300RX Head:- they are one of the best Strobes they have never failed. Elichrom are a good brand because all accessory from the new heads fit the older heads:- I have Bought one of the Style 300RX heads as a 4th head and all my Reflectors and Softbox fits this is great as the Accessories sometimes cost more than a head.


    My field Kit is made up of 3 Multiblitz 200 Heads, they are sold with a nice foam case and travel well. I use these for field and big wedding jobs, if the work you are doing is location based these are for you.


    I personaly stay away from Made in China Chinese heads as they are cheap and nasty and won't last and end up being a total waste of $$$$



    B&H have a nice Multiblitz set in your price range




    B&H Have a Elichrom Set also but you will have to buy a Extra Head




    These are my Personal choices based on my experince, there are other good brands also, but this is the Equipment that works for me.


    Hope this is of some help



  10. You can't use more than 1 tube at a time because of the contacts and linkages of a ETRsi camera. Bronicas made after 1975 have electronic leaf shutters in the lenses, these are very sturdy and it is rare that they fail. The Extention tubes have linkages and contacts that are needed to operate the shutter.



  11. You are lucky you don't live here in Adelaide Australia, I tried to buy 10 rolls of Tmax 400 this week !!!


    None in Stock in the 3 largest camera Shops 2 of them had no Delta 400 as well !!! :- bought what I needed 4 rolls untill Tmax 400 is in stock


    I am starting to large amounts of film in my fridge of anything I might need for a job:- Tmax 400 was a Easy film to get Everyone stocked it but "Things are a changing"


    I need to get a bigger fridge Soon !!!!!



  12. Thanks For all the Help


    Other pelple have told me to Stay away from shops near Times Sq


    I am Looking forward to this trip as it is My Honemoon,I have to Target where to go as it is not "A photography Trip" .....I am still Getting use to WE bit and Expect to be dragged out of places ....ALOT !!





  13. Hi Everyone,


    I am leaving Sunny Australia And Going to the USA for the first time !!!


    Are there any Other camera Shops other than B&H and Adorama that would be good

    places to shop for USED Medum format and Large format gear, I will also be in

    Washington Boston and LA





  14. Yours looks to be a Model C with a Rotating graphmatic back, I suspect that because of the Special Back it was called a Pro -1


    I have a model C also but mine has a standard 4x5 spring back with tapered bellows to a 6x9 Front, This makes it easy to make up lense boards as I have found that some Early computer Equipment cases are made of Aluminium plate the right thickness, I have made 4 lense boards out of this stuff for a cost of $5.00 (Thats what I paid for the computer box)


    You also have the nice rail that lets you slide the whole camera while on a tripod.


    Hope this helps


    It is Not a fake :- Most Arca Swiss cameras had no serial no's



  15. I am very in love with MF I am in no hurry to go down the Digital road.


    I like Film the Results are Superior to any Digital camera system on the market:- You may Get close If you Spend Enough $$$$$ The great thing is that lots of cool cameras are for sale at almost crazy low $$$ Over the the Past year I have done the following:- Put together a Bronica GS outfit for about $900 USD :- 65mm, 150mm, body, Grip winder, AE Finder and 3 backs. The camera Body Only!! Was sold new 4 Years ago for $1500.00 USD !!! Each lense sold for $1500 USD !!! as well :- This little lot Sold New once For $7000.00 US Aprox!!!! I wanted one then and I have it now ...Cool


    The results from this camera are Outstanding !!! I shot some Model work with TMY 400 on the Weekend and the results are amazing !!


    I also got a realy good deal on a ETRSi body and a Motor drive Paid $180.00 Australian For Both !!!:- Sold my Spare ETRs body only for $125.00 AU ON E-PAY $55.00 to Upgrade !!! Crazy!!!


    There are lots of outthere MF bargins to be had :- Buy a bigger better camera for Next to nothing!! Spend you $$$ taking Photos on film :- Need Digital just Scan your negs!!!!




  16. The bronica GS is a Shutter Prority camera :- you set the Shutter speed Knob to A :-Auto


    The AE Lock :- this locks the Current Exposure


    The metering is Weighted Average


    In manual mode You adjust the F Stop and the Shutter Speed Till the Display indicates 0 +1 is more -1 is less


    Hope this helps



  17. Hi Kenneth


    Interesting problem, The shutter on the len may be out of spec. I have never had ths happen to any of my bronica lenses. But I had a large format Shutter go out of spec once.


    The only way to prove this is to take photos in controlled conditions.


    Set up your camera on a tripod use a brick wall as your target

    tape a Kodak Grey Card and a Mc Beth chart (or similar with coloured squares to it. meter off the grey card shoot 5 frames with each lens at three f stops using shutter speeds 1 Sec, 60th sec and 125th


    you can also make up a A4 card that you can change the Info for each Frame :-



    F stop

    Shutter Speed


    Post-it notes work well !!!!


    This will prove it to the lens if it is a fault.


    If you bought the lens from a camera shop, they will proberly refund or repair the lens with this sort of proof.


    John Papandreou

    Studio 23 productions

  18. Hi Pete

    L&P have some 4x5 HP5 and FP4 on their shelf, I keep a personal stock my self in a Bar Fridge just order in more when I am out of stock. Whlesalers use to have it in stock, I have stoped buying paper and film from them:- Ted's now own it and there prices have nearly doubled!!! on some stuff. If you want to shoot colour Duckpond can Proccess slide, Atkins can do neg's




    John Papandreou

    Studio 23 Productions

  19. Hi Does anyone know of a Supplier who has the following replacement

    parts for a Bronica GS-1


    I have tried just about everyone I can think of, I tried here in

    Sunny Australia the Wholesaler is Maxwell's and they are just about

    Useless !!! they could'nt even find anything on their computer !!!


    My 35mm Equipment will always be Pentax due to the great parts



    Parts Needed !!!

    1. Battery Compartment Cover

    2. Rubber Eye Cup For AE Prism finders


    They are listed at $21.00 each on the Tamron/Bronica site.


    Any help would be well recieved. A part number may also help to

    Extract them from the wholesaler !!!!


    John Papandreou

    Studio 21 Productions

  20. I have Been using a Bronica ETRS for many years, I shoot wedding and portraits with it, It came to New Zealand with me and worked in sub Zero Temps( I warmed Up the batt in my pocket before Shooting !!!)


    You can change backs mid roll, 35mm backs are avaliable, polaroid backs are very cheap, you can get a Digital back If you have $$$$$ to burn.


    I have a Outfit of 5 backs 3 Finders 4 lenses and two Bodies, The camera had 8 rolls through it Yesterday at a wedding no problems.


    Because Bronica has Stoped manufacture / and Digital:- the cameras are being sold used at Crazy prices !!! I will be buying some items as Spares because I expect to be using it for many years to come. Try one :- Put some B&W film through it and Enlarge a frame to 16x20 inchs !!! the lenses are amazing, the PE 150mm will standup to just about anything on the market, these can be had for $400.00 in spotless condition.


    There are a whole range off lenses and Accesories for the ETR Cameras the only Problem I have had was the problem close focusing with a 250mm lens !!! I fixed it with a $$$ E-14 spacer I can do a Head shot of a Bride that jumps of the page:- Background blows away and the lens is Sharp realy sharp.


    John Papandreou

    Studio 23 Productions

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