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Image Comments posted by tomtomtom

    water drops


    Very nice crispness and detail. What is the vertical line and what is chopping it off at an angle?


    If those jarring elements were not present, this would be a nice, high end, fine art shot! The crispness and detail and color are great!

  1. I like the sense of motion and chiaroscuro on the nude... might like a less centralized composition so the moment across the frame is implied, but nice image nonetheless!



    Well, I like the comp of the self-portrait, but I'd rather see the background fuzzily or something interesting that starts to tell a story, like the bathroom above the subject.


    That, or clone out the background, or something.


    Sheets as backdrops always look like sheets. Given the amount of material shown, you could put anything back there. Robe, silk, whatever. Unless this is a crop of a larger photo.




    GREAT mood. Lovely composition. Might add a very slight hairlight, but that might actually disturb the tranquility.


    I love all the rhyming lines, the tones, the mood... just really well done!

  2. I like the in-your-faceness, graphic dark eyes, and honest black and whiteness of it.


    I like the freckles, but I have Scottish-type skin too.


    That black bit on the right (I assume that's not hair) balances the hair on the left, so it really works!



    I like seeing the breath on the mirror, the comp is pretty good... maybe a slight sliver cropped off the right side for balance.


    I like the mood of the piece, and like the dull color, I think it works better than the B&W... though of course I'm a B&W junkie, but I think it adds to the mood here. You could explore lots of bathroom potentials in a series, telling some sort of sad story through abstract images...

    dye 6


    By making these black and white, you enter the world of Weegee and all the documentary and crime scene photographers.


    Without the title, this becomes a disturbing shot, and the composition adds to the effect.


    I like these!

    la lavanderia


    Sure, I just did the edit to be a bud. :)


    I see what you're going for, though maybe you can move the "bubble" to make the metaphor more clear.


    Might want to make the photo more primary/contrastive to enhance that effect.

    what's going on?


    He seems so lost in the photo, I'd get closer.


    Yeah, pet photos are HARD! I'd get the Home Depot lights I suggested. Actually, I need to do some eBay photos, so I might get those. If I do, I'll take a photo of them so you can see which ones I'm gonna try...


    Actually, that would be an interesting exercise -- make those light as well as my studio lights... hmmm....


    Anyway, I digress. I've tried a more intimate crop, slightly saturated it, sharpened a tiny bit (though just a re-take is what you should do). And though white on white is cool, a contrasting background makes the subject pop.




    la lavanderia


    Slightly out of focus, which only the clothes should be. You have two people showing difference in height but also implied depth in the photo. The lines on the floor imply that as well, but it seems unbalanced. I desaturated the image, did an unsharp mask in PS, lightened E a bit, to make this seem more documentary and candid, as it is trying to be. Also took out the distracting hanger and bar, as they add no imformation necessary to the scene. Only the three blue elements really work with each other, and IMHO the implied receding shape are more interesting than they are, so the new image feels more balanced. Imbalance is great to show tension, but there's no tension here. The image makes me think of a hum of the machines, and E's quiet contemplation and resigned waiting.


    Whatcha think?




    Straight from a magazine!


    I like the oddness of the legs, but maybe burn them a little to keep the weight of light on the main subject....

  3. ...this looks so nice tone wise and such... but in these shots, they need to wear nothing and let the silk/wrap fly... it can look lovely. I have about 50 really cool shots like this of a model, but I can't show you, cuz they were privately for her. D'oh! Really close, but just not there.



    Thanks for the comments! I think we all need to take a series of each of these strong ideas we have...(you are Jenny are on some cool idea tracks :) ) I took a few of these but not enough to really explore it... must do this weekend.


    Yeah, I'm going out to Sixth Street Friday... but didn't get a SXSW pass this year... building a house. Next year, we will be close to downtown, and watching films and bands like crazy... I may take the (little) cam out tomorrow for some candid reportagey bits. :)

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