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Image Comments posted by tomtomtom


    I'd love to see you do a narrative set -- tell some emotional story, hint at things going on. From the smoking one to various others, it seems there's a tale of survival through pain you could tell. Might be interesting.



    Love the color, the composition, the interrupted moment.... very nice work!


    I'm still struggling with what it means to "be" in the art... I should probably just shut up and shoot, heh.



    I love the edgy attitude of this one. The one haunting eye peering out from the deep darks. The disheveled hair, the cigarette, expression... I like the new space you're exploring.


    Processing as always looks cool on your work.

  1. Now, you can't make a great print without at least a pretty good photo, come on. :)


    Anyway, well done!


    Now if you can just get E to take that funny-yet-gross photo off his page, I'll visit him more often. :) It was kinda funny the first time, but not something you want to see every single time. :)



  2. Ah, back to people photos!


    Love to see this as a big print -- has good tones, nice comp... E doesn't quite perfectly flow with the elements in the foreground (does on the right, but something about the legs), but a very nice shot! :)




    Love the moment, the comp, the processing... I'd clone out that little white line at the top though... very distracting.

    Mercedez 7


    Love the tones, mood, and comp on this one...


    Slightly alternative composition that works because of the weight of the field of hair. Really nice. :)

    spiraling 2


    Love the idea, love the comp, all that -- would be perfect with a medium-value shirt (so the form of the face is not lost and the hottest-lit thing in the photo isn't the shirt) and not clipping off the finger.


    But amazing for self-p!



    ....then that's cool....


    I might have taken the paintings down and cloned out the switch, so make one of those perfect, austere spaces they have only in photo studios. :)


    You've gotten great at these kind (color, slight softness, muted colors). :)


    I guess we're both anticipating the new style too! Cool.


    Man, I'm insanely busy, but you have me wanting to shoot more now.... :)



    I like the modern colors, the lovely tones, the beauty of course...


    But these two photos... the poses seem a little forced or formal... I know you are racing over... or tripping a remote...


    But I loved the edgy, real openness of the last three... they seemed like a bold new direction for you, a brave new space to explore.


    So, again, another lovely image but I'd love to see you wander back to that new style... maybe it's me. But it is based on what you want to get out of photography. Art is about communication. The last three started to get into more emotional communication, a more personal art.


    Anyway, just my two cents!

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