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Image Comments posted by svein-frode

  1. Your photography is a testament to the fact that you need to be a risktaker to get the greatest shots! I don't mean litterally, but your work shows great courage, hunger for adventure and perfect timing. It's not enough to have a vision and the technical skill, you also need the courage to pull your head out of the sand and go where your instinct takes you. Thanks for sharing your life and your vision! I'm inspired!
  2. Great shot Atle! The mood in this one is priceless. Great Norwegian winter capture. The 50/50 are the rule when it comes to reflections, so you have nothing to worry about! In panoramas you often should center the subject, so rules will change depending on the scene and subject in front of you!
  3. When I saw this photograph I knew why I wanted to throw my 35mm kit in the trash... This has to be one of the most outstanding photographs I've seen ever! This just a fantastic scene which I can look at for hours!


    People photography can be as much about people as technical perfect photography. There is not very good light in this photo and a fill flass would defentley have helped, but that aside. To capture such a beautiful expressive face is rare. The composition is also good!

    Red Boathouse

    Technically a very good picture, but I don't like the composition. I would like to see more of the left wall of the shed. I also find the shed to be too cornered giving the picture a very unbalanced overall composition. The red in contrast to the blue is very effective, and as always - red is the eyecatcher!


    Well spotted! Good esthetical image over Man's ugliness in nature. Very eyecatching colors. Love the ripples in the water. My only nit is that the lines lead the viewer out of the picture, instead of into the picture.
  4. Fantastic! I really like this image. It was cleverly executed! Love the strong impacting colours. Could need som sharpening, but I guess that's a problem with the scan, not your camera technique :) Always apply USM in Photoshop after rezeising a digital image!


    While the idea and composition is good I think the picture lacks in colour saturation and lighting. The left side is better lit than the right side. The image has great potential, so give it a second go! You've got better images than this in your still life folder!
  5. A though scene to compose. You've compromised in regards to FG and BG of this image, not including too much of either. The rolling hills of the BG is important, but so are the trees in fall foilage in the FG. I would like to see the farm a little more off centerd. Maby a vertical would have done the entire scene more justice? The light and colours are fantastic!


    You've picked perfect timing for photographing the sun with a slight hazy sky. The image would be stronger if you hadn't included so much of the plants in the FG which makes the composition a bit busy. The narrow DOF works great!
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