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Image Comments posted by stanley_rogouski



    This is an extremely good capture, especially the way the bird is in focus and the background blurred.


    It would have been better if the bird had been in slightly sharper focus and the background had been blurred a bit more.


    But obviously you weren't going to be able to ask the bird to hold that pose while you adjusted.


    And catching this kind of thing with a digital camera's pretty impressive.


    Still though, playing around with it in Photoshop might improve it.



    It might have worked even better had you gotten a bit closer to the divider or whatever that is and fit in the pyramid on the right.


    But it's still a nice dramatic shot.



    You've got the right balance. She's beautiful in a wholesome, realistic, ordinary way, and the artificially blue eyes combined with the blue frame give it the right pop art quality. The blemishes on her face complete it. It's perfect WASP kitsch. Kind of a satire of a Ralph Lauren ad.


    It would be just another portrait if her eyes were more naturalistic.



    1.) The way the flags fill the top part of the screen and flow off of it.


    2.) The way you capture the motion of the feet.


    I used to have an A20. It's amazing how much this little camera can do sometimes.

    Peace Envoy

    I've tried to photograph Canada Geese near my home. They almost always turn and walk slowly away from you. Good catch finding one coming at you, better yet the way you caught it away from the group. The title cracked me up.
  1. This is what I like about the web.


    I was at the Washington Monument on Saturday with about 50,000 protesters and about 10,000 people with cameras.


    I post some of the photos on photo.net. The "Fuck Bush" sign draws some hostility from a guy named "Ash Newell." I click on Ash Newell's name and find out that he also commented negatively on a guy named "Brian Long," who was also at the Washington Monument.


    I find his two photos of the evil Statue of Liberty (I have about 10 of the same protester in the same costume and couldn't quite figure out how to frame it) and find out that he did in fact do it in a rather original way.


    He also managed to capture a pretty good moment of a cop getting rough with a protester.


    and follow his comments to this:




    Now I can track Brian Long and see how he approaches the same problems I do.


    The statement about how photographing the Fuck Bush sign proves I'm sympathetic to the politics, though, is wrong. Had a gang of hyper geeky-looking right-wing counterprosters showed up with pro-Bush signs, I guarantee you every leftist with a K-1000 would gave been furiously snapping pictures of it.


    Come to think of it, photographing right-wing demonstrations might be fun. I just can't figure out where to find them. Maybe surf FreeRepublic?



    I was at the same march along with about 1000 other people trying to frame shots against the Washington Monument.


    It's difficult to catch a moment like this and the contrast between the long jaw of the middle aged man pulling the kids ears makes a strong statement.


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