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Image Comments posted by stanley_rogouski



    This is definitely one of those "I've almost got it" photos, where you manage to get the "decisive moment" on film but haven't managed to get it perfect technically.


    It would be great to have more detail in the shadows, but with the light shades of gray in the shirt and the man's face and with the extreme lighting situation, it probably wouldn't have been possible.


    Of course the scanning could also be a factor. I have no idea if you're using a good scanner or a flatbed. And black and white film is a bitch to scan in any case.

    Parisian Kid


    I rated it a 7/7 even though it's far from perfect. But it's really fucking sad and I honestly hate the world when I have to look at shit like this.


    Not many photos can evoke that kind of reaction.


    And there's something Christian about the blanket (looks a bit like a shroud), something that evokes Christian suffering.

    Foot Princess


    The fact that she's Asian helps too. There's something slightly Hindu about the wheel of feet around her head.


    Thank God there's no scratch and sniff on Photo.net. Brave lass doing that pose without a gas mask. And some people seriously need to clip their toenails.


    But the combination of what (and I'm assuming it was intentional) allusion to Eastern religion and the humerous effect of the ugly feet is brilliant.



    This picture gives you a real feel for an aesthetic that you might not be familiar with.


    I love the open window in back of the (service?). I'd have a hard time imagining a Western religious (prayer group?) ceremony in a similar setting.


    The fact that the (worshippers?) are above the crowd below and have an inviduality the other people don't (that and the fact that they're physically above them) gives the impression that they're sort of an elect.


    Also, the way that there aren't any obvious images that shout out "2004" gives it a timeless quality. There are no cars, cell phones, modern buildings. I thought at first it was an old photo from the 1940s, from some American covering the war in China or something similar.




  1. The contrast between the young woman and the older man works. It's too bad it's a modern looking cemetary and not an older, gothic one with ornate tombstones that would have stood out more or even something like Arlington with rows and rows of white crosses. But the contrast between the young woman and old man is good.
  2. I see what you're trying to do (the sun and shadows are the subject of the photo) but I don't know if it works. There's a bit too much flare. It destroys the detail.


    You would need a fixed lens and some kind of filter or maybe something like a Canon L zoom and a lens hood (and maybe a slightly different angle).



  3. I'm not sure whether I like it or not, but it's definitely interesting the way you've manipulated it to make it look as if the people are fading into the graffiti.


    The woman's glasses and the colors of the photos give it a 1960s look.

    The eyes

    The lighting is almost perfect but perhaps a slightly darker background would work better, something darker but not dark enough to compete with her shirt.
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