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Image Comments posted by robertfarnham


    There's more art in the loose strands of this beautiful woman's hair than there is in anything ever painted on canvas or captured on film. Wonderful photo. The woman is the fine art.


    I like it a lot. The only thing I'd add is a touch of light from camera left and behind her to outline the right side of her face. Composition is right up my alley. I'd donate a kidney to photograph her - she's drippng attitude along with the beauty.


    Thanks a lot Chris! Winter is starting here in Canada and now all I can think is "Maybe we should go back to Greece soon". I've been there and watched my wife do the exact same thing - you've captured it well. Should have moved the table, though. This is a good job for the clone tool in PS!
  1. You don't say if your ND filter was a grad or not, but two more stops off the sky and the trees would have done wonders in deepening the blues and the gold glow on the right. Still very dramatic as is.

    Color in Vermont

    If I were you I'd clone out the picnic table, but the soft effect mixed with those colors really does catch the eye. Do you have a vertical composition of the same scene? ...RF
  2. Mark, your photos always leave me with with two things - my jaw hanging open in awe and a burning desire to reverse my 50mm lens to see if I can do this, too - and maybe a new digital camera...OK three things. Keep them coming.
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