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Image Comments posted by robertfarnham



    The grain is the result of PS additions plus a little noise from shooting at around ISO 1000. I can tone it down if necessary! Other bits of 'fun' are the darkened lips and eyes and the increased contrast.


    Black dress


    Not really an idea I developed in the first place. Just something I saw. And sometimes I find it hard to say "um, I know you're here just to kill some time and take a few shots for fun, but could you take off all your underwear." What can ya do? This is the dress+woman view.




    The sister on the right is actually an animator, but yes, very cute and photogenic. I'll see if I can get her back for you :-) Here's another shot from the session...





    I very much appreciate all your comments. I will be working with Rachel again many times, I'm sure. She's a very good friend and one of my all-time favourite people. As for this photo, the blowout was on purpose as an attempt at a high key effect. Here's a alternate version.


    Black dress

    I'd also like to see the wrinkles gone...believe me, we tried to smooth them out but it would have required a couple more hands to pull the fabic taut. Oh well...

    Lima sepia grain

    Well, she's perfect, no doubt about that. The grain and tone work well for me even though I'm not a grain fan. The angle and the head and arm positions make me think she's gingerly stepping over something or walking down a slippery set of stairs. It's a very natural feel. I have a feeling she's one of those beauties who create car accidents because you can't not look at her...nicely done. ..Robert.



    Please click on my "Nude" folder to see the whole triptych and

    comment on the whole effort. I think this image can work by itself,

    but I'm leaning more towards displaying all three. Thanks. Robert


    Hi Sacha, I didn't use anything this time. Simple channel mix and light unsharp mask. The X is just one of many stupid names I give to my nudes...in this case it does refer (sort of) to her arm position. R
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