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Image Comments posted by robertfarnham

    Fall oak

    Not difficult to do. Find a tree. Pick a leaf with nice colour. Set up a tripod. Hold the leaf by the stem with pair of vise grips that sit on the top of the tripod. Set up studio light with standard reflector. Move light around until the model light illuminates the leaf in a funky way. Bracket some shots. Pick the best one. Slightly adjust levels and sharpen in photoshop. Ta Da. One picture.


    The pose was not meant to imitate the crucifixion or emulate Michael's male version, which I like but haven't seen before. I merely wanted to rake the light across her torso to highlight her lines and curves, so I told her to lift her arm so it didn't cast a shadow. Lifting the other arm helped emphasize the hip curve, which I should have lit better.


    Michael, the three shots you've posted of Laura are excellent. She's stunning and obviously very relaxed in front of a camera. Please let her know that if she's ever in Kitchener I'd love to work with her. R.
  1. Good lord Bobby, this is bloody amazing. I have seen and enjoyed (extensively enjoyed) your other work but this one...well...I'm speechless. I think I need to use my 4X5 more often. Now if only I had the skill... :-) R.
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