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Image Comments posted by mtmixon



    Good composition.  I like how only the apples have three boxes, while all the rest only have two.  This is great example of a broken pattern.

  1. I normally try to avoid placing the horizon in the center, but I've learned that

    that kind of composition (by lessening the dynamism an off-center horizon

    tends to bring to a photo) is sometimes optimal when you want to convey a

    more tranquil, "balanced" feeling. This scene, I felt, warranted a calming

    composition. Feedback welcome.



    Hi Steve.  If this is one of your first attempts at landscape photography, you've got quite an accomplished eye already.  Not only is the mood (i.e. colors and light, as well as the softness of the water caused by the long exposure) very pleasing, but I like your compositional choices.   You've created depth by including a distinct foreground (the rocks), mid-ground (the water breaking on the shore) and background (the sun on the horizon).  The arrangement of the rocks creates an implied line that points right at the sun, thereby enhancing the direction the eye would travel anyway (as we look at bright spots first).  

    The only two things I might address are: 1) your horizon appears to have a slight curve to it, which can be distracting, and 2) the sun and reflection are a bit "hot" (at least on my monitor), and so I would burn that area a bit to tame the intensity.

    Overall a fantastic photo.  Really well done.

    Henderson Bay 1


    I liked how the two posts in the background echoed the two ragged posts in

    the foreground, and so I framed this photo so that an implied diagonal line

    connected the two sets of posts. Feedback welcome.



    This photo, to me, is all about balance and connection. The three remnants

    of a bygone dock in the foreground are balanced by the three masts of the

    boats in the background, and the dark pattern in the water appears to create

    a line that snakes between them. Feedback welcome.

  2. I agree, this is a very "clean" image...the light and colors are very crisp and inviting.  I like that you placed the moon in the upper right corner, since it balances the frame.  I scrolled down a bit to crop it out, and the resulting photo, while still pleasing, wasn't as dynamic since there wasn't as much in the top half of the frame to balance the strong pull of the foreground rock.  I suppose if there had been dramatic clouds in the sky, the moon wouldn't be necessary, but in this case it adds just the right amount of weight to an otherwise empty sky to complete the frame.  Well done.

    Blissful Sleep


    A lovely moment.   Assuming you use something like Lightroom, I would apply a light vignette or gradient to reduce the brightness in the upper left and lower right portions of the frame, thereby directing the eye more to the baby's peaceful face.



    This photo has a timeless, dream-like quality about it, due primarily to the mist that hangs around the branches and the subtle sepia toning.  I do agree that the fence in the foreground is a distraction, as it takes away from that mood.  I also find myself wishing there were one or two people walking along the lane.



    By focusing on the handles, you've allowed the pattern of the doors to convey a lot of energy (all of those diagonals coming directly at the viewer).  Well done.

    Discarded Toys


    What drew me to this photo were the play of shapes/lines, as well as the

    sense of isolation and (temporary) abandonment these toys conveyed.

    Obviously, within minutes, my son came by and began playing with them

    again, so all was right with the world again. :-) Feedback welcome.



    This was taken while on a short hike in Santa Cruz. As it was late

    afternoon, the woods were pretty dim, but there were great pockets of light

    that I'd come across from time to time. This is my favorite from the walk, as

    I not only like the light in it but the lines formed by the fence. It took many

    attempts, as 1/10th of a second hand-held produces a fair amount of blurry

    images. Feedback welcome.



    This is a great portrait.  I think it would be improved, though,  by using a gradient to lower the highlights on the left side.  The nice light that you captured would still be preserved, but the left side of the frame (which is secondary to the boy anyway) would compete less for visual attention.

  3. Amazing what a good black & white treatment can do.  The mood of the original photo has been transformed with this version.  There is absolutely an ominous feel to this one, and I do think making the house darker than the perimeter of the frame lends it a weight that is necessary to compete with the drama of the clouds.  

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