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Image Comments posted by gap



    I'm hoping to attain CPAGB status and this is one of my portfolio

    images - strongly re-worked for increased visual impact. Your

    comments and suggestions are very much appreciated.



    I like this very much but I wonder if it needs cropping to make the pedestrian crossing the road more significant in the overall scene? I've had a quick go at it, but this has such potential that you need to spend some time working on the overall proportions and content. I absolutely love the golden sunset spilling down the street. Great work.

  1. Great textures and tones, and the birds add an element of interest to what is already a compelling scene. Maybe have a go at the same scene with a high rated ND filter and create a silky texture. Might not be any good, but certainly worth a go!

  2. Reminds me of my own trip to the cemetery at Omaha Beach in France, where the grave markers are mostly graves. The alignment of the stones creates attractive repeating patterns and perspective points, while the subject matter lends gravitas. I think this scene is worth visiting at different times of the year and different times of day. A late afternoon scene in autumn would bring a very different perspective. And what about early May just after dawn as the mist rises? Lots of potential here, and this shot is a very good starting point for a whole series of images.


    astoria friends


    Not your average pigeon fancier's shot! I love the fact that the bird is settled on the subject's foot. A touch more contrast and sharpening would lift this image and make it more readily enjoyable.


  3. I like this very much - the candid peek through the window, with just a hint of the photographer reflected in the centre. A complex construction that works well. I think I'd be tempted to give it some serious work in PS to bring out the areas of light and dark within the shop to make the interior scene the dominant feature of the piece. I don't like the thick black frame - it dominates the image. Try a much thinner version. Great work though, and worthy of a lot of extra work to reveal the masterpiece it just might become.


    DSC_6464 lo res


    I originally thought it best to flatter this dear old lady by softening out

    the lines in her face. But after some time I now think "hang on, she's

    90+ and proud of it, why not let her face tell her story?" But what do

    you think? Too much detail? The other version is in this same album

    for your comparison.

  4. The original is in this same album, but decided to revisit it after

    spending a little time leafing through Scott Kelby's excellent book on

    Elements 10. What do you think - is it better or worse for a little post


    I Feel So Good!


    Sometimes when I see images of this calibre I feel like packing photography in and leaving it to the truly talented such as yourself. What a wonderful image. The detail on the head and eyes is perfect, and the movement in the wings could not be better. The added detail of the flowers in the bokeh is delightful. Fantastic image. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Hard to go wrong with such natural beauty, and you've done a great job of capturing the colour and texture of these blooms. Only slight concern is the removal of the background which has left one or two areas in need of a little more attention. I'm no PS guru but I'm sure there's a facility to soften the edge a little, so that the blooms don't look like a cut out photo pasted on to a black background. Suggest having a look at Scott Kelby's book on PS - he's a genius who writes for those of us who aren't. Nice image though. Good work.


    Miss C


    I love this. The mascara-stained tear tracks, the reflection, the quality of the light and the texture of her skin, all combine to produce a truly interesting image. I am old dull and clichéd and would probably have a go at bringing the tiniest hint of colour back into her lips but that's just me!


    The Pale horse


    A good idea, love the incidental details such as the flowers. The feeling of danger and an imminent threat is intense. I wonder if you might have a go at just slightly turning down the blur effect? As it stands it's a good image obviously manipulated heavily in post processing. I think you should try a few variations with more and less motion blur, to see if you can achieve a less "doctored" look. If you can achieve the fine balance between keeping the motion but improving the sense of realism I think you'll have a very serious image here. Also (just my preference here) I'd like to see a tiny glimmer of light in the horse's eyes. It's too much of a nightmare with those gaping black orifices. Great work though. I may lose sleep after seeing this!


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