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Image Comments posted by gap

  1. This shot was inspired by a piece I saw in a gallery in Manchester - actually

    a couple walking on a French beach but it was the huge sky in portrait

    format that grabbed hold of me. Couldn't afford the £8k they wanted for the

    painting, magnificent though it was, so made my own version which came

    in at well under £50 including printing and framing and getting a very handy

    man to come and install it! Any thoughts?

  2. Hi Alf,


    I used one image in RAW and stepped the exposure up and down by 1. The result's not quite as good as taking the actual exposures but for an artistic effect like this it's more than adequate. I voted for your photo in the Nikon textures comp by the way!


  3. Nice - sexy, sultry and seductive. Love the way the shadows just about preserve her modesty, creating a real sense of anticipation. Great image. For my personal tastes I'd move her hair out of the scene rather than have it emerging from her armpit. 


    Lor River


    Gorgeous silky textures of water over rocks. I love this image. It makes me feel calm just looking at it. Well composed, perfectly exposed. Thanks for sharing!


    Rhino closeup


    Someone feeling horny? Nice image with tremendous textures in the skin. Pardon my meddling but here's my own take on your image - a kick ass black and white punch you in the face version becoming of such an awesome creature!





    Very nice image, well lit, nicely composed. I think I'd be tempted to pop the colour just a tiny bit further but very nice work Desh.




    Being short and fat I love long shadow pics like this. Well seen, perfectly taken. Might be tempted to have a go at fixing the verticles (straightening the lamp posts to overcome the wide angel barrel effect) and it would be a very crisp. compelling image. Great work though.




    Nice holiday record shot. Would be improved photographically by allowing the camel some space in front of it to "walk" into. Also if you could get your subject to suspend his terror momentarily and face you with a big smile it would make a great holiday memory and one to circulate with the Christmas newsletter! Thanks for sharing.




    Great pic. Love the contrast between the two subjects. Also very much like the layers of foliage delineating the image - framing it in the foreground and then adding a lovely soft interest to the background. Great work.




    Great "life in slow motion" shot - lots of interest set against a stunning backdrop. Did you leave your lens hood on though? The solid black vignetting makes me think you left the protective collar on an ultra wide lens - I've done the same thing too many times myself! Nice pic though.




    I'm overwhelmed by these things whenever I come across them - they're just so huge and dominate the landscape. I also love the sound of their blades scything through the air. This is a nice image beautifully processed. 


    Red-Pink Nexus


    Spot colour is my favouritest thing in the whole world ever!

    Love what you've done here. For me it's a truly compelling image that I keep coming back to. Nice work!




    Fabulous. Great texture and tones. Could it be improved by bringing up the textures even more? I presume you've got a dozen different versions of this and this is your preferred one. I would personally go with one that was a little more over the top in terms of contrast and sharpness.


  4. Really nice image - the lichen & flowers make this image. Would also like to see a longer exposure version if you have a ND filter. More contrast might help or use Nik's viveza tool to bring up the texture in the rocks.

    Good work though.




    Nice flower pic, has the feel of fine art about it. Personally I'd like the background to have just a little texture to it but that's purely a personal preference. Good work.





    Nice beach and cove scene. Love the momentum of the waves as they sweep in and the figures on the beach give a much needed sense of scale. Great work. I'd be really interested to see a long exposure version of the same - you'd need a high rated ND filter but it could produce some interesting effects.



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