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Image Comments posted by gap



    Nice use of long exposure (and a very static subject? or did you combine two exposures?) and I love the use of spot colour used to define the subject. A really enjoyable image.

    Miss M


    ...with wonderful hazel eyes. You are blessed with a truly beautiful daughter. If it were me I think I might just back off a tiny bit on the lighting / exposure as the burnt-out effect (on my monitor at least) renders her face slightly flat. But a lovely portrait nonetheless.



    ...of your black & white rendering technique! The sense of foreboding and malice you've brought to this relatively harmless structure is very much to be admired. I can imagine the car just out of scene unloading a cargo of ne'er-do-wells with shotguns. Fabulous pic. Thanks for submitting it.

    Summer # 2


    Very nice still life shot. Looks like natural light (which you've probably worked very hard to simulate!) but however you did it, it's exactly right for the subject. Nice colours and textures, the tomatoes look especially appetizing! I am envious of your skills.



    Nice enough photo but it does kind of leave me thinking there's something missing...like a point of interest? If it's a landscape / seascape shot why not have a go at coming down a little lower so that the shrubs and grass in the foreground frame what lies beyond - there could be quite a nice scene "peeking through" the grass to the beach and ocean beyond.


    Oh Lila


    A great picture - you've captured her intent curiosity for whatever's happening to the left of the frame beautifully. Her expression is what makes this photo and I love the way the light illuminates her hair. My only slight quibble is the slightly misty quality of the frame. Were you shooting through a light mist or is it just an exposure issue? If the latter I'd be tempted to have a go at darkening the more obviously affected areas - if you have the RAW file bringing up the black channel might do the job quickly and easily. Or even just have a go at increasing the general contrast levels of the image - you never know, it might just do the trick.



    Good control over exposure, lots of nice textures and I love the pattern on the wall behind the woman. Nit-picking: I would have been tempted to use the archway to frame the male subject a little more carefully - find a slightly higher angle so that there is space between the top of his head and the archway, and this will then cause the archway to become a natural frame for the subject. Also I'm slightly distracted by the (kite? canopy?) floating above the female subject's head. I might be tempted to clone all of that out including the ropes.


  1. I don't have the skill or patience for this kind of shot but my friend lugs his 500mm f/4 lens around in pursuit of such images, so I'm aware of just how much it takes to get an image this good. Not only did you get them in frame and perfectly focused, you also got them looking at the camera. The ice float in the bokeh just adds to the majesty of this image. Well earned. One for the "forever" collection. Print it big and get it framed & on the wall to show off your talent.


  2. Just spent a couple of days in the swiss Alps buy they were too cloud-covered to get anything worthwhile. This image is truly breath-taking. The contrasts, tones and textures make it an image I want to explore again and again - imagining its me roaming over the peaks, not just my eyes!

    Great pic. thanks for posting.

    Canola Contrasts


    I love this. I'm hooked on windmills anyway but the contrast between the golden fields and the thundery skies is marvellous, with the windmills breaching the gap between them with their clean white lines. If I had one tiny suggestion to improve it I would spend some time watching and waiting for the rotation patterns of the blades - these are just a little too random and disorganised for my taste. If you used a tripod and are not averse to a little post processing manipulation you could take several exposures, layer them in PS and bring through each windmill with the blades in a more orderly position. But that's just me! I love the image as it stands.

  3. Following helpful critiques received of HDR version of this pic I've

    taken advice and submitted original mildly processed RAW version,

    working off a single exposure rather than the multiple exposures

    used in tone mapping. I welcome your comments, observations and

    suggestions. Please base them on both images.



    I love the two children on the right - especially the far right - her (his?) expression is worthy of a Sally Mann masterpiece. But I have to disagree with just about everybody else who's commented (which probably means I'm wrong, you SHOULD drink the coolaid) - I absolutely hate the fifth eye in the left hand corner. It just makes me feel like I'm missing out. I want to see the whole not just the top right hand corner of his/her head!

    I do, however agree with one of the previous comments suggesting taking down the background a little - the bokeh is just a tiny bit too intrusive.


    IMHO the best thing to do is to go for a tighter crop because lets face it, with these two faces you've got a world class image anyway. Fabulous pic and thanks for submitting it!



    Tortugas Rising


    A really interesting image...hints of tone mapping / HDR? However you've achieved the effect it's great. I particularly love the texture in the floor and the brickwork. The only thing I don't like is the tilt. It's not enough to be a deliberately provocative angle, but it's way too much to ignore. Why have you opted for just off level?


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