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Image Comments posted by Coho

  1. Like yourself, I have easy access to ducks and I find many duck images to be boring BUT this one is superb.  Perhaps a tiny bit soft if I had any nits, but the composition and the moment really make up for it.  Many don't realize how difficult it is to catch action like this.  Good job!!!



    Very nice capture.  Background bokeh is good; this is very difficult to do with owls because they really like brushy and camoflage environments.  Sharpness is terrific.




    see previous gull photo. This was taken a day later in different

    light and with a different lens. It had already dropped its clam. I

    set up a blind which allowed me to get a lot closer.

  2. A painterly effect emerged during processing. This is near Goudargue

    in Provence. I was just amazed by all the fields of sunflowers and

    lavender ( and of course all the vineyards in between).



    Very nice feeling with the slight blur and the warm tonality.  I grew up in the Washington DC 'burbs in the late 50's and 60's but had not visited any of the Civil War battlefields until last year when I spent some time at Antietem.  I was really moved by the experience.  This image and your other posted Civil War shots really help me identify with that experience.



    I am fortunate to live in a place with many sea gulls. At low tide,

    they find clams on the tidelands and out of hundreds, 1 or 2 have

    learned to drop the shellfish on a nearby concrete boat ramp in order

    to open the shells. Must be a sign of sea gull intelligence...

  3. This is an American Bittern, a heron/egret relative. Its favorite

    habitat is thick brown wetland brush and it blends in well. I have

    always found it very difficult to get a good shot and they are

    comparatively rare in my area. This is a head shot portrait primarily.

    I find the blue water background a little distracting as it is full

    of branches. (This is f4 600mm 200th sec.) So I see many bird shots

    with perfect bokeh. How much of that is software created? What

    software ( I know PS can do it and Topaz Lens Effects) is typically

    used and like many of the Nik products do any have brushing

    capability. I think this would be a better shot with a little more

    blur in the blue areas... Thanks.

  4. I appreciate your feedback.  The greenish spot is OOF vegetation and I left it in to balance a similar area next to the neck.  However, I could see it as a distraction and would perhaps lighten it up in the next version.  I do have a tendency to over saturate my images but I do enjoy vibrant colour...

  5. Yes, even I was surprised with this one.  The image of the 3 baby owls at 1600 iso was not anywhere as clear as this one.  So perhaps it was luck. 

    Your posted images at higher iso are very nice.  I am still learning about the balance between noise reduction and clarity.  What software do you use for noise reduction?

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