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over exposure

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Image Comments posted by over exposure



    I agree with the exposure issue.....But I'm afraid that it could be the scanning...I don't know if it's just for me, but I see a particular red tone in the Image, just That feeling that you get when you make an automatic scan..


    After that, is a really nice moment, I can see a Style in your (few) shots....so keep up!!

    Dani wind


    This portrait looks like a snapshot, but I can feel the confidence between photographer and subject....so the combination of the two styles makes your day....


    Catch the wind!

    Pointing up


    The Zenitar is a funny lens...and by the way I like the use you made of it on this shot..


    It shows that there's a work (IR) and a research behind it...really nice, I would like to see other shots!



  1. Davvero un ottimo scatto..


    Ecco una di quelle situazioni dove preparazione ed opportunit࠳i incastrano per un attimo che non deve andare perduto...in una frazione di secondo hai una storia che ti racconta tutto ci� che vuoi vederci..


    La T5 era la mia compatta preferita, tempo fa :-)



    Great, that's where preparation and opportunity meets together in a moment that asks to be remembered....



  2. i would have liked more some human figure in the composition, for balance and place description...../ Ciao, avrei inserito qualche figura umana nella composizione, per bilanciare le proporzioni e per scopi descrittivi.....che ricordi il circolo!!



  3. Ciao Marina, bella foto davvero....hai sviluppato una gran capacità di realizzare delle belle immagini, dunque i tempi di "quella" nostra chiacchierata sembrano lontani, no?


    In realtà penso che non sia solo tecnica fotografica, ma la capacità di concentrarsi sui dettagli, di emozionarsi per piccole cose, di saper ritagliare....


    La fotografia a volte mi sembraun "gioco a togliere", perchè non fotografi mai tutto, ma togli,togli fino a che resta solo cio' che vuoi te.

    Ed in fondo anche se io e te facciamo generi del tutto diversi, le nostre foto si assomigliano, credo..


    A presto.



    Hi, is a while since I'm taking the time to write something about your photography...I've read about the bad comments on self portraits and I've read all the good ones...


    I just hope you will keep making your research, photo after photo is getting always more personal and interesting...your shots are intense.





    Hey, really interesting discussion!


    The photo rocks very hard and has a really nice story around and this last website indicated is really interesting and well made! I strongly believe in these tipe of applications for film!



  4. Man, there's too much to watch on in your shots..i've looked to some perfect lighted and studied shots, to some nice street moments catched in your personal style....then flew on those beautiful women...and rested on this relaxing really nice kodachrome scan...


    Really nice versatility in taking your personal vision.


    Thank you for sharing.



  5. Hi, i find this one really interesting...interesting is even your approach in shooting places....they are not architechture photos, they look like stories, but with people intentionally left apart...is this wrong?





    Il mio tour tra le te immagini per oggi finisce qui....finisce in bellezza, perche' questa e' una delle piu' belle foto naturali che abbia visto da un pezzo a questa parte...oltretutto un immagine semplice, cosa rara in fotografia..





    I like a lot all this folder, i've watched it with a lot of interest, it seems to talk a lot about your feeelings....this one is great, it takes the force to search for such an image...



    Le mura

    Marina, eccetto per il palo a destra , questa e' stupenda, al limite potevi avanzare ancora un po' e stare in posizione grandangolare, ma l'immagine ha un look molto femminile, molte delle tue foto lo hanno!!
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