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over exposure

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Image Comments posted by over exposure

    Violin 2


    Hi, i like both the images you posted....the second one is maybe stronger, but i like the harmony in the action in the chosen one...

    The lights and details are perfectly taken, is a really simple and intense shot!



  1. really simple and direct, the look of the model is really nice, maybe i would have liked it a little more with more free space on the right of the image, where the eyes are looking to...


    Nice one anyway, really!

  2. hai svariate immagini pulite, semplici e dirette in questo folder....complimenti...questa e' una di quelle che sceglierei tra tutte...un classico? forse ma per me non e' affatto comune....


    You have many clean and simple images in this folder...i would chose this one over many....really nice! maybe a classic in its kind, but not an everyday shot for me...


  3. I like it in many aspects..it's a nice funny shots, it's a sunny day....has a good atmosphere in it...nice!


    Mi piace, e' una bella foto in vari aspetti, bei colori, luce solare brillante, il soggetto e' divertente..

  4. I like this photo very much, the sstory in itself is very dramatic and strong.....i've thinked a lot if i like or not the face of the man looking in the camera, but i came back to the first impression: yes, cause it talks about the tragedy even without reading, and after all doesn't distract the attention from the scene, in my opinion...



    landscape 3


    sono combattuto tra i due formati...ma alla fine credo l'avrei tagliata sotto.....semplice e diretta.....


    I'm fighted between cropping the low part or not...but at the end i think i would have chosen a panoramic view....expecially to make it look simple and direct....





    ciao, a parte saturare un po' il cielo, a me la foto piace cosi'....concordo pienamente sul non-uso della gold...anzi io direi che ti conviene decisamente lavorare in dia...hai piu' controllo sul risultato ed e' anche piu' economico...



  5. Ciao, molto bella perche' sembra dipinta....gli effetti di Ps sono ben visibili, ma questo puo' benissimo essere l'intento oltre che l'effetto...


    Hi, nice cause has kind of the aspect of a painting...Photoshop effects are widely visible, but this can be an intent other than an effect...




    Hi, in my opinion the best source you have in your photography is the continue invention of tecniques...old tecniques are one thing, but exploring, inventing and adapting.....this is you. stupendo!!
  6. ciao, mi piacciono queste immagini,a nch'io ho provato a farne...magari le proporro' piu' avanti..perche' non provi, come avevo fatto io a inquadrare anche una mano sul volante...o a montare un grandangolare esagerato e scattarle dal sedile dietro: avresti le sagome delle teste con le luci che sfrecciano nei finestrini....interessante farlo in citta', con le luci dei negozi......e stai all'occhio!






    I like it, try to include some particular like the hand on the steering wheel, shooting from the back seat, with heads in bacKlight of the city lights passing by.......nice!!!

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