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Image Comments posted by dominiquedodge

  1. Simply beautiful. The colours are terrific, and the composition (with the three pods pointing outwards) is very well balanced. The whole conveys a sense of tranquillity and something more ... many thanks for spotting this.
  2. Wow! Great subject, perfect lighting and elegant composition. It's hard to judge the scale (aerial photo or close up?) but then you wouldn't want to spoil such a nice shot with a geologists-hammer-to-give-scale, would you. Thanks.

    B&W Calla

    I find the photo excellent. The background does not distract from the main subject but adds a feeling of embrace around the flower. The only thing I would so is crop a slither off the bottom edge. Very, very nice. Thanks you.

    Lava #7

    I find this a great shot. The composition is terrific (the crack is in exactly the right place) and the texture is so well rendered. I'm sure you took lots of lava shots, but this one is well worth showing. Thanks.

    Drying Wood

    I love the texture of the wood and the slope of the ladder which runs parallel. But I do think the balcony distracts from the main image a bit, still nice shot. Thanks. Hope we'll see more of your photos.
  3. I might be positively biased in favour of rock photos, but you've really done a fantastic job here. how refreshing to see a butterfly-not-on-a-flower. I think the frail texture of the wings and the hardness of the rocks are particularly well rendered. Thanks for this lovely photo. (PS Is that limestone?)


    Wow! There's so much that I like here : the flower appears to be dancing in the wind, the compostion is perfect (or better), the botanical interest is very high too (petal veins, central shadow). Thanks for this great photo.


    I like the cropped version much better too. As the big drop of water on the centre of the plant was distracting (as well as the orange blur on the right). The plant hairs and the "suspended" look of the droplets make this so interesting.
  4. I was admiring your "pumpkins" in this still life folder when this one appeared - just like a sudden starburst! I love the way you capture simple things so beautifully. I hope there are more to come. Thanks. (PS I wish this was in my portfolio!)
  5. I love the way the lines go in this shot. The wall and the semi-circle which "rings in" the kids. Not to mention the "teachers" hands-in-pockets attitude, which adds to the mood. Well done. This is my favorite in your folder. Thanks.


    I like the way you have rendered the textures and colours here. The saw dust adds to the overall image. Thanks for this one - I look forward to more. However, here I think I would have included either more or less of the top reddish log.
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