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Image Comments posted by dominiquedodge

  1. I like the subject - which I think has a lot of potential. But for me the shot is too contrasted. Why not crop out (or zoom in to avoid) the sunlit bits. The tower with the triangular shapes around it would be nice on its own.
  2. Being a geologist I like this kind of thing (sandstone?)... lots of visual interest. The earthy colours made me think of the Australian outback. My only comment is that the shadow is very harsh and the root a bit flattened by the light. If you could shoot it in early morning or evening the relief might look better. Still nice.

    Touch the sky

    It's hard to add something when so much has been said already - but I can't remain passive in front of such a terrific shot. IMO the birds are part of the shot and add life to the mineral/water world. I also like the way the ripples in the sand make the sand/water horizon bumpy and this contrasts with the straight water/air horizon ... but before analyzing it, there is just a "gut feeling" of great beauty.


    Well spotted - terrific photo - it proves that some people are not just very good but "wizards" ... when you think of all the flower photos out there, this one has so much more going for it.


    The idea is very good, but I think it would have been better had you taken it even further (ie more motion and ghostly feel). Removing the distraction elements in the background would help too. Still nice idea.
  3. The subject is very original and there's lots of visual interest in it. The colours work well. But I find that there are too many distracting stray objects round the edges (right and top right corner) and the white flowers are overexposed. A close up of a white flower surrounded by chocolate ones (no plate showing) might work well too - if you haven't eaten them yet!

    Day Lily

    The colours are great and the flowers really pop up out of the background adding to the vertical feel of the buds. Pity the petal on the extreme right is incomplete, but it's still a great shot (and there are lots of boring flowers around - this isn't). Thanks.

    to be unlocked

    I like the way the turban colour is reflected in the locks. Very original subject too! I think it would be better if the right side crop didn't run through the line of locks though. Great shot!


    The lighting is perfect, the scene is interesting and the composition is fine. I also like the shine on the paving stones and the touches of greenery which add to the shot. Nice photo. Thanks.
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