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Image Comments posted by keleman

    Family place.

    Simple and well done. My only comment is that the shadow in the upper left is a bit distracting, there was probably not a good way to shoot this without the shadow?
  1. Ray,


    Great control on the DOF. The exposure seems dark and I'd like to see more detail in the feathers. I tried messing around with it in photoshop without any luck. That's all I have, good luck.





    Found this little guy stuck in the snow, he had been blowing around

    such that he dug a little circular trench in the snow. Comments and

    recommendations welcome.


    I admit it, I blaze through the gallery photos super fast, however, this shot made me stop and take a look. Great composition and very nice lighting. Congrats!

    Fair the well

    I'm a big fan of street photography and this one caught my eye. It's a great shot and it makes you wonder who is on the other side? My only comment would be to see what this photo looks like if you were to crop out the left side so that the red writing in the upper left was gone. I like the black, white, and red 'P' as they contrast with the arm, I just find the other red writing distracting. Just my 2 cents.

    Morning Reading

    I find it funny that he's reading a comic? No real comments other than for fun you might try converting it to black and white but leave the comic book in color to really make it pop out?



    I approached two kids skateboarding, at first they thought I was going

    to yell at them but when I told them I wanted to take their picture they

    were more than willing. The 4 frames before this shot show him flipping

    and turning mid air, however, I like this one the best because he is

    looking right into the lens as if to say, "Did you get it?".


    Thoughts and comments welcome.


    Great shot, was looking at some of your other work and this one caught my eye, especially how the angle of his back mimics that of the light post.


    Very simple, elegant almost. I like how the water in focus exits out the lower right corner of the shot and how the tone of photos is cool blue much like how I would imagine the water felt. I'm searching for a critique but cannot come up with anything of relevance.





    I was crusing through the "street" submittals and this shot made me stop in my tracks. Photos of swings are not original, however, the way you captured the reflection, the leaves sprinkled around the edge, and the texture of the pavement and the wood swings really makes this photo stand out. The contrast and ton is spot on and I'm searching for a critique of some what to make this photo better but cannot find anything.


    Nicely done.



    Unfortunately it was high noon when I took this shot of these two boys

    practicing roping. I also wish he was using a different colored rope so

    that it would show up better, but such is life, eh?


    Here's what I like, the over exposure, the stuffed animal in the corner, the movement in her leg, all the red / white, and of course the little girl. Great capture.
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