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Image Comments posted by keleman


    Great tones, my only comment is that the cutting off of the railing at the top left might be a little distraction for me, for other it might not be. 6/6


    I think I had to come back and leave a comment because it really caught my eye. The background, the dress, her face, it all works for me. I have no other real comments other than cutting off of the arch at the top might be a distraction. Cool shot.


    Too cool. A great shot, my 2 cents? If you could photoshop the upper left corner to be darker like the rest of the photo. But what do I know. Love the detail on this one.




    This is not an easy shot, at least for me. The bright street lights along with the surrounding darkness. The area at the bottom of the photo seems a little too bright as if you were standing under some sort of light. My eye really likes the tone and color of the RR ties to the right. Anyway, that's my 2 cents for what it is worth, what do I know? A great night shot 6/6.


    Of the photos in your folder, this one catches my eye, the eyelashes, his concentration, I expect him to look up after you clicked the shot and was like, "Whoa, what was that?" Very nice, 6/6.

    nikki 3

    I don't know exactly what it is, but I really like this photo. The way she is looking at the camera, the way you can barely see items in the background, it all works for me, 6/6.

    Perugia painted

    I agree, this photo is waaay above average. When looking at the hundreds of shots on this site, your photo caught my eye. What a great blend of color and texture. Great shot.
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