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Image Comments posted by fred_j._lord

    Mesa Arch

    I've always liked this image of yours and said so months ago. Congratulations and sympathy are in order here. Give me a call in Frisco. We still need to do another shoot.



    I was born in Alva, OK but perhaps we had too few trees there to see such autumn brilliance or perhaps I was just too young to notice.


    My only suggestion would be to look at cropping the left just a bit to move the duck and the reflection a bit more off center. Other than that, it's a well caught image.

  1. I didn't have to worry about the autofocus as I was using the teleconvertor which disables it on the D60.


    We're leaving for Monte Vista and Bosqué del Apache on Friday so I get to try these and other birds again. There should be a lot of juveniles since they are returning from their nesting grounds in the far north.


    This fellow became very used to me and finally coaxed his shy mate to come out into the field. Here he was sort of trying to decide if I was a threat. I'm not, of course, a threat to anyone or anything like these creatures.


    I like them both for different reasons. It would depend what I was doing with it. Only thing is the thin vertical black line on the lower left half of the cropped version. It sort of attracts the eye without justification.

    Man Rising

    I thought someone should start the "C" word in this new venue so there it is. The clouds and the blue sky pastels backing up the progressively lighter silhouettes is truly fine. Lovely work.
  2. It's so difficult to work in darkness and manage focus and timing while using on camera flash. The man is very noble looking and the mood of the image is well caught. The colors and the pose are very nice as well.
  3. My opinion, for what it's worth, is that there should always be a foreground just to anchor the image. This is a very nice capture of a difficult subject with the horizon giving a nice sense of scale to the immensity of nature's power.
  4. I'm rating on the basis of the PS image. As I've said, ImageReady does a really nice job of previewing images so you can make it look the way it should on the web.


    It's a really nice image but Jim isn't going to like the tree at the lower right.

  5. The deer were grazing on the succulent hay fields and escaping the hunters as well. My wife just thought this one was a bit thin looking. Perhaps she had just found the ranch and hadn't settled in yet. She was, as much as we could tell, alone. The next nearest doe was about 500 yards away.
  6. I, on the other hand, did break a sweat.


    As to the trees, yes, they do run into them a lot. I witnessed one such collision a few years ago. No one saw it but my wife and I so we started screaming from our perch on the lift and finally got someone's attention. We have no idea what happened after that as we were on our way up and when we went down it was to another base area.

    Engine #2

    He could also be whittled away. I really like the smoke and blue haze from the left while the firemen jump out at us from the right. The low light source from the right is very nice as well. Good work, Jim.
  7. We about killed ourselves hiking to the fop of this ski run. I would say about 800 ft. of very steep vertical at about 8-9,000

    feet of elevation. My wife and I made it in 35 minutes which, for us, is fast. This particular image was made about two-thirds

    of the way back down from the summit.

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