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rory daniel - singapore ph

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Image Comments posted by rory daniel - singapore ph


    You have done a better job of cloning here, but the edges between the clone and her real skin give the game away. Take the time to smooth the edges next time. Or better still, don't bother at all. Your subject will probably appreciate you leaving her clothes on.



    Hi Lei.


    I am sorry to hear that you have lost faith in photo.net


    I dropped into your portfolio to see what you had been up to lately (you have been on my interesting person list - I didn't realise one of your images was a POW...congrats).


    I guess I won't have the priveledge of seeing your stuff again for a while.


    Good luck with the photography, and don't let the ignorant get you down.



  1. Coming from a third party perspective, when I see the image, my eye is drawn to the wonderful top half, but loses interest in the bottom third. Cropping is a hard choice because losing the bottom may reduce the impact of the image.


    Try it and see...it might be an interesting experiment.

  2. My gut feeling is that the fence should be out of focus and the boxes in focus (as they are the subject of the pic). Then again, it's sometimes hard (impossible?) to focus in the dark.

    South Beach

    The corners of the sky are darker than the rest of the sky. Sometimes this is done on purpose, sometimes not. If it isn't intended, I would fix it digitally. The cloning tool in photoshop is good for this. You might also want to rotate the image a little as it tilts slightly to the left...
  3. Ken thanks for the soccer kid photo - lovely moments aren't they! I've had a look at the version with the background...my gut feeling is that darkening the background rather than erasing it would make for a more compelling image...also, do you think the image overall would benefit from a little darkening...ie, using photoshop curves for instance?


    The light seems to emphasise nothing in particular. This technique might work better if the highlight draws attention to an interesting feature. Nice try though!!


    A shame the top middle lady has her forhead cut off and the bottom left lady has her cheek cut off. Including these features would have made the difference between a average shot and an excellent shot. The idea was there...but some of the detail was missed.
  4. I would like to see her skin a little less green. If this is how it came out on the film, then a purist might leave it. If you aren't averse to fiddling digitally, it may be worthwhile playing with the colour balance of the subject to make her skin a little more human like....otherwise, a lovely composition.


    It may be worthwhile touching up that little white speck in the middle of the top...it kinda catches the eye just at the wrong moment....
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