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rory daniel - singapore ph

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Image Comments posted by rory daniel - singapore ph

    Boat Detail


    My eye likes this composition...but I am interested in what other

    people see. What do you like / dislike about this image? What can

    be done to improve it?


    It's great to see an underwater photo that works without having to include a fish. The black section at the right worried me when viewing the thumbnail, however when examining it at the large size, I can see the neutral space gives a sense of infinity to the subhect. Gorgeous light - well done!

    Childhood Joy


    I find that constructive criticism from my photo.net peers really

    helps me develop my work. It allows me see my own work through

    other people's eyes. Feedback and suggestions on this image from

    Northern India would be greatly valued.

  1. With respect, I think this is probably the weakest image in your portfolio. Its originality (or lack of) seems inconsistent with the rest of your work. I would consider using this image as your self-portrait for the photographer background section.
  2. You have managed to make an everyday object into something compelling and marvellous. I first thought your focal point was wrong (I thought the front nodules on the bulb should have been in focus), but your choice to have the stems and the bottom nodules in focus seems to be the best compromise. I also love the colours - blood red and deep green. Thanks for helping me see the world a little differently.
  3. Because the eye moves from top left to bottom right, this image may benefit from flipped over and rotated in mirror fashion to place the hightlight of the image (the lure) in the bottom right hand side. A more compelling angle may also help the image. I do like the lighting though...


    This guy wants you to get closer?? He wants you to use a longer lens than a 400mm on a 10D? Lovely composition. My eye would feel more comfortable with a slight crop off the right hand side to balance with the left.
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