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rory daniel - singapore ph

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Image Comments posted by rory daniel - singapore ph


    consider making the bottle less centred, and possibly closer to the glasses. Reconsider the background - pink does not work for this image. Pay attention to detail - the drops of wine on the inside of the glass are distracting. Seeing the edge of the table is distracting.



    What Paul is saying is that it isn't 'pretty' - but so what? Not every photo has to be pretty. As a self-portrait...or a portrait, this works for me, saying more about the subject than a typical well-lit studio job.


    Well done,



  1. Thanks for mentioning that you darkened the left-hand side. Details like this help us better understand your thought process and help us think about how we can improve our own images. I can see your thinking here...it does add contrast to an image that otherwise may have been a little flat.





  2. I love the watercolour feel of this image...and the lovely, understated light. This fantastic composition could have been helped by you moving slightly to the right to give the head its own space (instead of the ear touching the beam). The rule of thirds also helps this image along - well done.


    Now that I have had a good look at your portfolio, my guess is that it is skill amd patience (and not etching) that got those cows and that man there...



    Were the cows really there? They look a little etched in to my eye.


    Also, the grass above and to the right of the second (from the left cow) appears inconsistant with the rest of the grass - is it just me?


    I don't mind a little bit of image manipulation...I just like to know when it has occurred.

  3. I like the darkness in this image. By keeping parts of itself hidden, it reminds me of secret men's business in the back shed.


    If you did bother to go out to buy a light (as suggested by another viewer) it could turn into another bland and lifeless collection of tools.

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