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Image Comments posted by ecarter

    La Celvia

    Very nice photograph - I like the simplicity and strong lines you've got in this shot, and the moon in the upper left quarter is a bonus.
  1. Actually, I think you've done pretty well with this photo - some of the stem/leaf details are iffy to me (though that may just be my monitor) but the overall shot is very attractive. Good detail in the petals from what I can see.
  2. Interesting potential here, but it looks to me as though some of the fine branches on the trees on the left side are washed out or slightly out of focus. I know that's a hard thing to compensate for, but a couple of different exposure settings might have turned out better.



    First off, Mark - CONGRATS on the POW! I think that this is an excellent photograph and is an interesting view of the model.


    I know it's lazy, but I tend to expect to see models in a view from level - so it is very nice to see this one from above like this. But what really seems to make this photo for me is the concealing hat - just showing the lips and chin... really makes me want to see and imagine what the rest of her expression is and draws out my curiosity through the rest of the photo. Also, I am a fan of contrasty images and this satisfies that as well.


    Great photo!


    I know there are some forms of photography that I can never do, as much as I wish I could. Even if I were in better shape, I'd never be able to dive very deep due to medical problems, so I'd never likely be able to take a photograph like this. You make me wish that I could. Lovely.


    I don't think I've ever seen an image that has caught me quite like this one! Amazing photograph, excellent capture on the storm-waves and the rolling clouds in the sky - I don't feel this image is too dark at all, but like the gloom feel to it.
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