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Image Comments posted by ecarter

  1. I saw this image and I did not know how to rate it. This image is shocking and disturbing to the viewer - as well it should be as it portrays an ugly truth. This image, and this series, represents courageous photo-journalism at its best - unafraid to show an unpleasant truth. Well done on this photo and the series.

    Golden Horse

    While it would be nice to see the horse's eye, even without it this is a pretty decent wildlife shot and in an interesting place. Good sense of setting and space. The border doesn't detract from it for me actually - I kind of like the effect it gives, rather than having this bound in a straight-edge regular border. In a perfect world, might have been able to shoot the animal from the other side, but sometimes you have to take them as you find them.
  2. While I'd like to see the frog a little larger perhaps, you've isolated him pretty good in this shot - the leaves provide good framing for this photograph. It might be better a stop brighter, but overall I like it.


    It's not easy being green - so how about yellow/orange?



    The pros - Very interesting subject and the centered composition works for this photo. The background also is unusual and makes this a unique spider photo.


    The cons - First off, it looks slightly unsharp - maybe a tripod might have helped stabilize this if that was possible. Also, greater DOF might be nice in this shot.

  3. The good - I love the expression you've gotten on this cat here... somewhere between "Bored... so bored..." and "I could do something interesting but it's not worth my time." Or at least that is what it conveys to me.


    The bad? To me, the photo is a little too soft for my liking and for some reason the platform is a bit distracting. Applying an unsharp filter in photoshop and levelling the platform may help this - it's worth a try, in any case.

  4. The good - you've caught the expression on the girl and the dandelion clock nicely and sharply. Unfortunately, despite it being soft, the background - in particular the concrete step (?) is distracting to me.


    This photograph really has caught my attention - The figure's pose invites the viewer to imagine what is going through the mind of the person. As far as tones are concerned, the faint suggestion of the landscape in the background is more effective at suggesting barren mountains and is less distracting than if they were there solidly and in sharp detail.
  5. Nice, classic looking photograph. I wasn't entirely sure what they were examining until I read things over - now that I'm told, I'm beating myself for not recognizing it right away, but it makes you as curious as the girls in the photo.

    Poppi - alley

    I think the mood in this shot is VERY well done - the viewer is almost trapped in the dark while in the distance there's the light of the outdoors. The bars and boards on the window to the left reinforce this for me.
  6. Clearly you're trying to capture a soft-toned feel to this photograph. IMO, you've gone overboard on that and have filtered it too strongly and unevenly. The area in the upper right of the photograph, where it looks like the lens was not filtered or was filtered less deeply (intentional? a gap or a tear in the filtering material?) distracts the eye from the figure on the left center which is the apparent focal point of the photograph. This is confusing to the eye.


    Without more technical knowledge as to what you were doing and how you were trying it, I can't really say much else. I think, though, if I were looking for this kind of effect and I didn't want to use PS (can do it there too, of course) I'd reshoot this using a fine grain B/W film and a soft, diffusing, mist or fog filter on the lens. Then print as a sepia toned photograph.


    Of course, this isn't something I've tried, so for all I know this is exactly what you did, and I'd get no better results.


    I hope this is the kind of critique you were looking for. Cheers...

  7. ... well, that may be your mission statement, but everyone has to find their own direction and express it in their own way - it certainly isn't necessarely my mission as a photographer, nor anyone elses.


    That being said, I like this photo - the tones and contrast in the cloudscape is very good and gives a strong mood to this photograph. The tilting horizon is slightly distracting, but overall this one is pretty decent.


    You made the right choice in leaving the background, IMO. :-) Though it doesn't really hurt too uch, this feels a hair too soft to me - also, I'd be tempted to PS out the leaf at the top that hits the petal (or moved it out of the way when the photo was taken).
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