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Everything posted by Alex_Es

  1. <p>Oh Bill, how you fooled us, you character you! So glad you love these lenses. I have the 50/3.5. Now I am inspired to get the 100/4.</p> <p>JDM, may suggest getting a Canon EF, unless you already have one. The EF has a mechanical shutter and shutter priority automatic metering. Like the old Timex watch, it can take a lickin' and still keep on tickin.' I just got my fourth the other day. Has a slight dent on its flash synch side but boy can it tick. Late model with split image rangefinder. In over three decades I've yet to have an EF poop out on me, which is more than I can say about a few of my Leicas.</p>
  2. <p>Absolutely fixed. An old adapter works now, which means I have a surfeit of adapters. A good (bad) excuse to get a Hektor 73/1.9?</p>
  3. <p>It has been a while since I got this cat to pose for me. X-Pro1 + Nikon 50-135/3.5 + Metabones Speed Booster...</p><div></div>
  4. Great shots everyone! Keep them coming. Agree, Bill C. The 70-150/4.5 is a brilliant lens.
  5. <p>Hi! It's July. Go to it Canon FD shoots and show us what you're got.</p> <p>Here are two contrasting photos from way back when that were shot in San Francisco. I used a Canon EF for both. The first was made with a New FD 70-150/4.5. I used an FD breech lock 50/1.8 for the second.</p> <p>The first...</p><div></div>
  6. Nice shots everyone. Get ready for July!
  7. <p>X-Pro1 + Nikon Ai 135/2.8 + Metabones Speed Booster ...</p><div></div>
  8. <p>X-Pro1 + Nikon Ai 135/2.8 + Metabones Speed Booster. Camera's square format.</p><div></div>
  9. <p>X-Pro1 + Nikon Ai 135/2.8 + Metabones Speed Booster ...</p><div></div>
  10. <p>X-Pro1 + Tamron 90/2.5 macro + Metabones Speed Booster...</p><div></div>
  11. If one can afford an M 240 one can surely afford the best adapters. The problem under discussion only occurs with those older adapters. All XXX to Leica M are accepted by the live view.
  12. Alex_Es

    Uno momentino

    A brilliant crowd photo. The unity arises from the fact that all the faces are looking in same direction. Photographing masses of people is hard. Serge Eisenstein was a master of that.
  13. My Fuji X-Pro one has a similar situation. It will not shoot with other lenses unless you set it to "Shoot without lens". The adapters I mentioned with solve the problem with the live view on the Leica M. It is that simple.
  14. Alex_Es

    Amy Rose

    I like this composition. Excellent balance and color. A nude on top of a piano gives the composition a pleasantly risqué Left Bank feel. The stockings are a nice touch, suggesting a spontaneous disrobing. And a desire on the part of the model not to walk on the all too public floor with bare feet.
  15. <p>No, that won't work, James. It is not a matter of coding but of the sensor detecting some sort of reflective surface. Note that the sensor has no problems with SLR to M adapters. It is just a problem with the old M to LTM adapters that leave a gap for the sensor, which only sees empty space. Please do not mess with the sensor, like taping over it or (goodness forbid) using glue. Just get the adapters without the gap. What you specifically need is are Type II Voigtlander M to LTM adapters. Check out Cameraquest: http://www.cameraquest.com/adaptltm.htm .</p>
  16. <p>This is an old one. Just scanned.</p><div></div>
  17. Rockwell is half right. The traditional adapters do not work as they have cutouts to accommodate the infinity locks on older lenses. The cutout exposes the sensor that reads the codes on new Leica lenses. The sensor gets confused and gives the no lens attached reading. The way out is to get the Cosina Voigtlander adapters made specifically to be coded. They have no cutouts and so do not confuse the sensor. No need to code them. Problem is that Cosina has ceased producing those adapters. But Metabones, I believe, is now making special 240 adapters. I had the problem with the old adapters and binge bought all the CV adapters I could find. Problem solved.
  18. Thank you, Donna! Actually and fortunately she is on the ground floor. Still a way up and an uncomfortable way down.
  19. Alex_Es

    Cafe Life

    Donna thank you so very much! i do not think I am in this picture as I am shooting from quite a distance with a Nikon 50-135/3.5 zoom on a Fuji X-E1 with Metabone Speed Booster. The reflection is from a picture window protecting us from all the cigarette smoke outside. Her face is amazing. It is something I only realized later. Thanks again.
  20. There is this about the Leica M 240: it is so easy to use. No funny surprises, no useless icons that you spend days trying to get rid of, no silly buttons to accidentally press and throw you off, no slow autofocus crud. It took me less than hour to master my M. The live view mode excellent, though slow on the uptake. The viewfinder is nothing short of spectacular. And on top of that you can attach a bevy of amazing lenses to the M and get full frame. I have been in love with the M since I got it. It has never done me wrong. And oh yes, the grip. Wow.
  21. A quick note to say thank you for all the great input and your kind words. There is much I want say about Marville but will do so later.
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