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david richhart

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Posts posted by david richhart

  1. Why get a third party involved and add another step, Miserere? Photonet hosting works great if you remember to add a caption. The only problem is I sometimes forget and wind up with posting a link instead of an image.
  2. Well it's 7:30 here in Ohio and the thick snow-bearing clouds we had most of the day are gone ;0D <p>

    As I sit at the kitchen table typing this, I can see the big bright full moon staring in at me through the window. I plan to go out and greet him in a little while, but damn it's c-c-cold out there ;0(

  3. I am about 1 1/2 hour drive from Columbus, Ohio, the home of Midwest Photo and Columbus Camera Group. I don't know how long they have been in business but both are full of goodies. Google them for the websites. <p>

    Both are well worth the visit, and they are only about 1 mile apart. CCG is located in an old church and is THE place to go if you need used studio and darkroom stuff. Midwest Photo is likely already familiar to you large format photographers. It is great to be able to see a dozen different brands of view caneras next to each other! They are also well stocked in 35mm digital equipment. <p>

    Both do the mail-order and feebay thing... And the usual disclaimer applies. I have no financial interest in either store, I just hope they can manage to survive.

  4. I have the Asahi bellows II and the slide copier attachment that goes with it.

    I have my Pentax digigtal camera and a Takumar 55mm lens hooked up and all

    ready to go. The system works well, but I cannot find a combination that will

    allow me to take a full frame copy of the slide. The best I can do is only

    about 60% or so. <p>

    What lens do I need, or extra macro-tube do I need to get the 100% copy? Is a

    Takumar macro lens the answer? Thanks to all.

  5. I was at a wedding reception where the groom threw the garter and all the bachelors waiting to catch it grabbed their noses, moaned "EEEEEEWWWWW", and backed away from the garter lying on the floor... Oh well, at least the MEN in the room thought it was funny. The reception sure was quiet for a while. <p>

    The big thing in my area now is to have the guy who catches the garter slide it on the thigh of the lady that catches the bouquet. <p>


    So much for Al-K-Hol

  6. If it is the camera that is shown in the picture it is the black body ME-SUPER instead of the chrome body. The black bodies have always been slightly higher priced. I would like to have a nice one for myself, but as others have said $100 is a lot of money for an ME-SUPER.
  7. Im getting ready to buy some CR-V3 rechargable lith-ion batteries for the *istD

    and I am interested in your luck, good or bad. <p>

    Are the generic brands good enough, or would the brand names be worth the extra

    cost? Any comments on the life of a charge? Is any brand actually better than

    another? Any other things to watch out for? What has been your experience? <p>

    Thanks to all in advance.

  8. WOW... I am surprised by what Kenmore is asking for a K1000 and an ME-Super, Especially compared to the auto-focus bodies. <p>

    Buying from the auction site can be rough, but I think you could buy several cameras with lenses on feebay for Kenmore's price of 1 body. <p>

    I really like my K1000 and ME-Super, but I would never pay over $100 for one.

  9. Nice photographs, and memories..I just love those retro 50s/60s colors. Here in rural Ohio, near Dayton, we still have a few drive-ins in operation, but many more have closed and/or depend on the flea markets for survival. I think the change to daylight savings time was the death warrant for drive in movies :0( <p> It's not dark enough to start the show until nearly 11:00. <p>

    KoolAid and popcorn for snacks... Mom and Dad coludn't afford the lunch stand.. I miss the $5 a carload nights with high school buddies. It's been a long time since I rode the trunk in.

  10. Some interesting questions and comments here since I am putting together a setup for myself. <p>

    I want to try copying some old family slides with my istD <p>

    I have my trusty old "ASAHI II" macro bellows attachment, TAKUMAR 55mm lens, and a slide copier attachment for the bellows. This week I bought a vintage Pentax K to screw mount adapter on fleece-bay. <p>

    Am I going to be able to make this system work?

  11. Stephen... I think your photograph that you have linked to was a perfect oppotrunity to use a tripod. When the ceremony is being performed you can anticipate your exposures for the moments when the bride, groom, & preacher, are not moving very much.You usually have at least 10 minutes or more to work with. <p>


    In the photograph you posted, you were in excellent position and I think there was plenty of ambient light. You just needed to keep the camera steady. Be certain to be ready for when the B/G face each other, exchange rings, kiss, face the congregation. Those are all times when they remain pretty still and you will already have your camera in position and focussed for a quick shot at 1/15 or 1/30 or whatever you needed. You need a good tripod with a good ball head and a quick release mounting base. The camera lifts off instantly with the push of a button. <p>


    BTW... I think the photograph you posted would have been a good place to try a couple shots (don't over-do it) with a star filter. The secret is to get one large enough that you can hold it in front of any lens you own. No need to screw it on, because your camera is ... steadily sitting on the tripod.

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