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Posts posted by hadji_singh

  1. <i>With any luck, this guy will go bankrupt as he


    Kind of harsh, don't you think? Yes, this item maybe be

    overpriced, but I doubt it's the fault at Rich @ PhotoVillage.

    Whoever's manufacturing this thing should be blamed. They set

    the MSRP. Rich is an excellent salesman and his prices on

    Leica stuff are usually pretty reasonable.

  2. Though speaking of set-ups. Edward Keating recently resigned

    from the New York Times because of a photo he took

    somewhere in upstate New York (can't remember where). It had

    an arab child with a toy gun standing under a sign that "Arabian

    Foods". Some other people on the scene told the Times that

    Keating posed the kid under the sign. There was a big stink and

    he resigned. I'll try to find the link to the story...

  3. Once I took my Leica out of it's safe. Not only that, but I took it

    outside and actually put a roll of film in it. I was so worried the

    film was going to scratch the pressure plate!!! My hands were

    trembling the entire time. At one point, I thought I got a scratch on

    the baseplate!!! Luckily, it was just some dust. I felt much better

    when it was back in the safe.

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