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Posts posted by hadji_singh

  1. <i>Same comment one hears from uneducated, narrow minded,

    one side of the brained, crotch grabing</i>




    So now I'm uneducated and narrow minded? Hmm. I never said

    BW photography didn't have merits. It certainly does. There are

    situations where I use BW. There are situations where I use

    color. I choose what is appropriate (for any number of given

    artistic/technical reasons). Look closer at my comments, Marc.

    Reread. Ted says that only BW can "capture the soul" and that

    color only captures "the clothes". If anything, that kind of

    statement is narrow-minded. Statements like Ted's (or to say

    that "color is the medium of the masses") implies that color has

    no merit artistically and that to be a true artist you have to shoot

    in BW. Who's grabbing their crotch now?




    In the end, it's not BW or color that allows you to "capture the

    soul" it's who's behind the camera. I stand behind that. It's a

    fallacy to think that if you take pictures in BW, you're inherently

    better than someone who takes pictures in color. That is

    artsy-fartsy. Cause a crap picture is still crap -- whether its in

    color or BW.

  2. <i>The smartest think Leica could do is team up with Cosina

    and make Leitz versions of the 12/5.6, 15/4/5, 21/4, 25/4

    (RF-coupled) and 28/3.5. Leitz optical tweeking and build quality

    for light and not too expensive (but marginally costlier than VC)

    Voigtlander based lenses. </i>




    Alex, great idea, but let's not kid ourselves. If Leica were to make

    these lenses they would be at least four times more expensive --

    and probably not significantly better optically.

  3. Olivier. Oh, thank you for setting me straight. I see the errors of

    my ways. If only I were more polite and insightful and wise as

    you. I'm glad someone is watching out for the forum and making

    sure everyone is playing nice.




    I still stand by my statement. Black and white capturing the soul?

    Whatever. Statement's like Ted's (or whoever said it) are

    meaningless. Color or BW? One is not necessarily better than

    the other (I work with both). Each come with their own set of

    problems, both technically and formally. But to say that one is

    inherently better than the other is a bunch of <b><i>artsy

    fartsy</b></i> nonsense. Who's behind the viewfinder is more


  4. I've never had a problem with the bottom loading, either in terms

    of speed or misloads. Perhaps some people don't like the

    bottom loading because they are doing it wrong. I remember

    someone posting here once that he used a

    <b><i>paperclip</i></b> when loading his M6. Sheesh. I've seen

    people spend minutes and minutes loading their cameras,

    being very anal -- when in theory it should take 30 sec or less.




    Andrew Nemeth gives a very good <a

    href="http://www.nemeng.com/leica/000b.shtml">primer on how

    to quickly and properly load the M cameras</a> on his website. I

    think if you do any more than what he outlines, then you're

    spending too much time on it.

  5. <i>Wierd, I saw a guy in the same area on Sunday, but this guy

    wasn't slim, and had two M cameras.</i> Er... there are eight

    million people in this city. Quite a few of them happen to be Leica

    owners. So it's not so weird to see <i>more than one</i> Leica

    out on the street.

  6. Where's the truck? Was this taken with a P&S camera?




    Seriously, though. It's pretty sad that people would send you

    viruses because of pictures you posted. I guess they would

    prefer you take "nice" photos. Some people don't have a life.

  7. Well, I don't know about the "feature" part. What I do know is that

    if I have a flash mounted on my M4-P or M6, pushing the shutter

    release will fire the flash (regardless of whether or not the

    shutter is cocked). I don't use flash much, so I never really gave it

    much thought. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but this does

    NOT happen on the M6TTL or M7?

  8. I've been lurking on this site for a while. Often, it's not even worth

    my time to say anything -- it would just add to the noise. You can

    learn a lot by keeping your mouth shut.




    I think it's one thing to stand up for your beliefs, however, it's

    another to pointlessly clutter up multiple threads. For example,

    your comment in Ralph Barker's thread was pointless. He had

    nothing to do with this thread. When you start doing stuff like that

    you start looking like the other crackpots that show up every few

    months on this site.

  9. Yawn... a lot of hot air in this and other threads from Yossi.

    Yossi's been butting heads in this and other threads with Rob

    and Jeff. Well, as anyone who's been reading this site for a while

    will know, both Jeff and Rob can back up what they say -- they

    post photos regularly and often. I don't always agree with them,

    but I respect them cause they're actually out there shooting. You?

    Your spelling does resemble a certain Travis that was here for a


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