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Posts posted by danny_liao

  1. 1) I hate the phrase "it's nice" when you show your work. I came from a school where "it's nice" means that your work suck. It's a nice way of letting you know that your work is below mediocre. So now that phrase is forever embedded in my head as some thing weak. With that said, I hate photographers that critique work but doesn't have the balls to say the work suck and let you know where to improve. 2) security guards. 3) people who buys 5k cameras + 2k lenses to shoot birds. 4) photo related supplies...why is everything SO expensive? I am currently doing a photo project where I need frames and matting. Frames are reasonably priced BUT nice 8ply matting is rediculous. Sames goes for backpacks, filters, gaffer tape, batteries. Everything is a rip except for the camera itself. Okay...I'll stop now.
  2. Safe Harbor is useless. I got scammed once. It was all my own stupid fault. Anyway, someone hacked into another members account. To make a long story short, the original member emailed me a week after the auction ended telling me that someone had hacked into her account. She told me that she reported to Safe Harbor but it took them 3 DAYS!!! to respond to it. By then, it was too late.
  3. I too was at Zzyzx. I HATE THAT STREET!!! I got stuck there cause I drove into the soda flats with my SUV. Thinking it should be fine. But 10 pictures later, I noticed my poor SUV sinking slightly. Next thing I knew, I was stuck! Costed me 350 BUCKS to get it towed out.
  4. I'm in the market for a portable pack. I do mostly portraits so

    recycle time is not a factor for me since shooting portraits is a

    slower process. I would love a Profoto 7b, but I can't afford

    it...pack+head+extra battery=over my budget. So the options that I

    currently know of is a Hensel Porty or a Elinchrom Ranger. Can anyone

    elaborate on either one of them? Or recommend/suggest a portable

    pack? The Hensel is cheaper in price and comes with lots of

    accessories with the kit...wireless transmitter/receiver slave, head,

    TWO batteries, and reflector modifier. The Elinchrom is more expensive

    and the kit comes with fewer toys...head and ONE battery. Of course

    both comes with charger. That's all I know about these packs so far.

    If you own any of these two, please elaborate on reliablity or any

    issues you have or had with the pack.


  5. Gray cards and Macbeth color charts are useful to use to match your prints. Often photographers will shot one image with a gray card or a color chart. Than in post they will match the card in the image with the card IN HAND to get the color right. Very useful. Hope that helps.
  6. I just picked this baby up about an hour ago for my D1X. It's raining like crazy here in LA so I can't really do too many test shots but I did manage to snap off a few on the way home from Samys when the rain stopped for a few minutes. I have to say, it's a great lens. The "stormy over cast" images I snapped off looks sharp! Lens focuses smoothly and zooms in and out nicely. Anyway, I was never a big fan of Tamron from previous experiences but I needed a lens that will replace my 18mm AFD (which I have to say, didn't perform too well digitally). I can't afford the NIKON AFS so I went with this one since I heard so many good things about it. $475-$40 rebate, you really can't go wrong for the price and performanc. It should perform the same with a Canon.
  7. Ben, why do you have to be soOOo technical?=) One way or the other, it keeps power from draining just like a power switch.


    Shannon, I'm thinking rightside is where the orange dot is right? If so, you don't want to keep it there. It will only expose your film at 1/400th of a sec regardless of where you set your shutter speed. I once had a similar problem with my advance lever not advancing but mine didn't even go half way. It turns out that I didn't have the lever on my back locked all the way. Make sure you have the lever swith all the way to the left. If that doesn't work, try removing the back and place it back on. Also, check if your lens is on properly.

  8. I just picked up a used Mamiya 7II two days ago. I love it! I've already ran 20 rolls through it and the image quality is amazing. The built in meter is also spot on. I compared the SPOT reading to my Sekonic L508 and it is identical. I usually shoot with my RZ but needed something that's smaller and lighter so I went with the 7II. A huge influence in me selecting the 7II over the others is due to the fact that many compare this to a Leica and that many claim it is as good. Since I can't afford a Leica, the 7II was the next best thing. Some one posted this site on another thread that also helped influence my in making my decision.




    Check it out. It might help you.

  9. Palm Springs is known for their electric generating wind mills. There are tons of them. They are some what erie looking though. But I think they will photograph really well at night. You should check them out if you have the chance. You could see them off the I-10 Freeway. I don't know if you could actually gain access to the property itself, but you could definitely still photograph them from a distance...they are HUGE. The area is very dark at night. Hopefully when you are there, there will be a full moon. Otherwise, I think magic hour will be perfect.
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