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Allen Herbert

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Everything posted by Allen Herbert

  1. <p>Hey, if there is anything beyond oblivion I will be taking photos.</p><div></div>
  2. <p>I will photograph to the end.......and when the grim reaper puts a hand on my shoulder I will still get another photo the last of the end.</p>
  3. <p>Today the fun/enjoyment is no longer there. And looking at that which others produce do not even tweak a thought of joy or interest. One interesting aspect, am a survivor of a particularly difficult battle of cancer eight years prior; noticed after some three years of surgery, chemo and radiation that my interest in all things hobby be it photography</p> <p>I love my photography, i just do it for myself.....yes, selfish.</p> <p>We all are going to die just a matter of time.....but I will pressing that button until I'm taken away.</p> <p>A finger up....</p>
  4. <p>Really worth the bother of putting on your camera?</p> <p>Sony, Fuji, Olympus, have quality lenses....so, why bother with yesteryear lenses? lost in time lenses.</p> <p>What really have they got to offer these old, back in time, lenses. Just for the oldie folk.....lost in a dream/fantasy of yesteryear and some special magic that these lenses can do></p> <p> </p>
  5. <p>I like to play with the children. A lot.</p> <p>But then , sometimes, I like to talk to the Gods.</p>
  6. <p>Often Philosophy can be lost in fantasy losing touch with reality. </p> <p><em>"The speeding train of thought flashes by and suddenly you are released back into space and time by a force that moves your life forward …as if struck by an idea."</em><br> <em> </em><br> <em>The moment is concerned with a lack of space in a an undulating reality lost in a uncrowned truth. </em><br> <em> </em><br> <em>The truth is not concerned but seeks an unconditional response to the banal of a lost secant of time.</em><br> <em>Easily understandable to a mind of a purity which is is proud to open itself to indulge itself in a moment of sublime seventy.<br /></em></p> <p><em>Three things in life are destructive :<br /></em></p> <p><em>Anger, greed, and self esteem.<br /></em></p> <p><em>Just a few thoughts.<br /></em><br> <em> <br /></em></p>
  7. <p>"What's your take on yourself when in public as compared to when in private, and on the people that you see and photograph in public?"</p> <p>Private is the candid photograph. A reality.</p> <p> </p>
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