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Image Comments posted by hugh_hill



    How nice it is to see you both here, I hope you are both looking forward to the festive times ahead I am wishing you both a very merry christmas.


  1. Yes, you nailed it!

    A truly remarkable shot George one that I would expect to see hanging in a reputable gallery, it comes across as an Escher/Braque hybrid but we know that it is totally you on all counts.


    Well done.







    I love this picture; it shows the real character of the cat and his mistrust for humans.

    The fence dividing him/her from us the viewers can also be interpreted as the wall that divides humans from all other living things and how we put ourselves above every other living thing claiming a god like status to the animal world where in fact we are more of the opposite.

    Animals are in my opinion prisoners in this world their certainty is marked quite clearly by our decisions of can we eat it, can we wear it, can we domesticate it!

    I believe that just because they are not on our level does not mean that they have a right for existence what if the tables were turned how might we feel?


    Great image





    Friday I'm in Love


    Hi Chuck,


    Great to see you here, walker evens is one of my all time favorites perhaps my most revered photographer, I would love to come to the states 7 do a modern day version/interpretation of his work through my eye's.

    you must have noticed that i have deleted a lot of my work including the digital art folder I am looking at trying to keep it real so you will see as close as I can get to my beloved b&w's.

    I will try to remember to upload the original for you to compare with.


    Thanks for viewing & your comment too both appreciated.







    what I see here is a wonderful photograph depicting the miracles of nature, the stark variations of colours/contrasts here really make this image stand out.

    to the left of the image the blue iceberg looks as though it is the head of a monstrous bird(perhaps a peacock)its beak already immersed into the sea water and head soon to follow - perhaps its looking foe a fish?

    If one were to look I am sure you will agree that there is what looks like an eye as if looking straight at the viewer.

    we are lucky to have the chance to see with our eyes these marvels for soon they may be gone and become only a distant memory of what once was.



    Wonderful work my dear friend.








    Shooting the Padre in action, exactly what I would have done given half the chance, colours are quite something and the priest just nipping through the centre really makes it especially with the saints on either side of him & holy effigy above him.
  2. Hey Tony, Axel's right been a while since you've graced us with a B+W hope there more to come, off to India next month I hope to get some a couple of good shots while I'm there - are you doing any travel this winter? If you are in India let me know me & Bella would love to meet up with you.


    I like it but that post seems to be the centre of attention after you that is! :)

    Friday I'm in Love


    Thank you for your comments & time,

    I shot this lady on Londons busy Oxford Street, many where passing but not saying much in there posture or expression.

    when this old lady passed it just seemed to come together, or what I mean to say is that it made such a stark contrast to how she looked she was feeling.

    Frits got it right in his perception

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